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Rotation Matrix Time Derivatives

Problem Setup

For a point \(x_0 \in\mathbb R^4\), the rotation is a transformation defined as

\[x(\Delta t) = R(\Delta t) x_0\]

where \(R(\Delta t) \in SO(3)\).

Then, through the transformation through time \(t\) will create a trajectory. We come up with the velocity of \(x\) as

\[\dot x (\Delta t) = \dot R(\Delta t) x_0\]

So that the velocity is the time derivative of the rotation matrix.

Angular Velocity

Without loss of generality, assume \(x\) is rotated along the rotation with the axis of rotation \(\vec a\in\mathbb R^3\). Therefore, \(x\) is travel in a circle.
Let \(\dot\theta\) be the change in angle.
Let \(v: \mathbb R\rightarrow \mathbb R^3\) be the velocity of \(x\), decompose \(v(t) = a(t)d(t)\) where \(a\) is the magnitude and \(d\) is the direction.

Since we are rotating around \(\vec a\), i.e. the plane that contains the circle is orthogonal to \(\vec a\). Hence \(d\perp \vec a\).
In addition, a rotation is orthogonal matrix so that \(v\perp x\), since \(\vec a,v,x\) are mutually orthogonal, we can uniquely determine \(d\) from

\[d = \frac{\vec a \times x}{\|x\|}\]

Then, consider the magnitude \(a\), let \(y = x + \Delta tv\). The angle formed by \(y\) and \(x\) is \(\dot\theta \Delta t\). So that we can have

\[a\Delta t = \|x\|\tan(\dot\theta) = \|x\|\frac{\sin(\dot\theta\Delta t)}{\cos(\dot\theta\Delta t)}\]

Therefore, we can have

\[\lim_{\Delta t\rightarrow 0} \|x\|\frac{\sin(\dot\theta\Delta t)}{\cos(\dot\theta\Delta t)} = \|x\|\frac{\dot\theta\Delta t}{1} = \|x\|\dot\theta\Delta t\]

so that

\[a = \|x\|\dot\theta\]

and then

\[v = ad=\dot\theta\|x\|\frac{\vec a\times x}{\|x\|} = (\dot\theta \vec a) \times x = \omega \times x\]

Therefore, we obtain the angular velocity \(\omega\), which includes the velocity of angle and the rotation direction.

Rotation Matrix

Since cross product can be written into cross matrix form as matrix multiplication, $v=\omega\times x $ can then be understood as

\[\frac{dx}{dt} = [\omega]_\times x\]

which is a linear ODE, and has analytical solution

\[x(t) = \exp([\omega]_\times t) x\]

where \(\exp(M)\) is the matrix exponential.

Matrix Exponential

For an invertible matrix \(A\in\mathbb R^{n\times n}\). the matrix exponential \(\exp(A)\) is given as

\[\exp(A) = V\begin{bmatrix}e^{\lambda_1}&\cdots&0\\\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\0&\cdots&e^{\lambda_n}\end{bmatrix}V^{-1}\]

Where \(A=V\Lambda A^{-1}\) is the Eigen decomposition. However, as we did the decomposition, it is not very efficient.

For our problem, since \([\omega]_{\times}\) is a cross product matrix, hence \(3\times 3\) skew-symmetric, we can use Rodrigues' Rotation Formula. First, we can break \(\omega t\) into the axis of rotation and angle of rotation, as \(\vec a\) and \(\theta\)

\[\omega t = \frac{\omega}{\|\omega\|}{\|\omega\|t} = \vec a \theta\]

then Rodrigues' Rotation Formula gives

\[R(t) = I + \sin(\theta)[\vec a]_\times + (1-\cos(\theta)) {[\vec a]_\times}^2\]

Relationship between R and w

Note that we have \(\dot x(t) = \dot R(t)x_0\) and the equation above gives \(\dot x(t) = [\omega]_\times x\), therefore, we have found the relation that

\[\dot R = [\omega]_\times\]

General Equation

Consider the explicit equation with a fixed \(t_0\)

\[x(t_0+\Delta t) = \Delta R(\Delta t) R(t_0)x_0\]

and its time derivative is

\[v = \frac{dx}{d\Delta t} = \Delta \dot R(\Delta t) R(t_0)x_0\]

Note that from the derivations above, since \(R(t_0)x_0\) is a fixed point, \(v\) is just the time derivative of rotation at time \(t_0\) so that

\[v = [\omega]_\times Rx_0\]

Another form of this equation is

\[\begin{align*} v &= \omega \times Rx_0\\ &= -(Rx_0)\times \omega\\ &= R{[x_0]_\times}^TR^T \omega \end{align*}\]

then this form gives that \(v\) is linear in \(\omega\).

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