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Git Cheatsheet

Git Documentation Github glossary

Commonly Used Commands

Discard the last commit (completely remove the commit from working dir and history)

git reset --hard HEAD^1

Throw away all local commits

git reset --hard origin/<branch_name>

Download all submodule while cloning the repo

git clone --recurse-submodules [URL]

Download all submodules in the repo

git submodule update --init --recursive

Completely remove a file (not only work dir but also in history commits) from the repo and repo history. This is really important if accidentally pushed confidential files like API keys.

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -f my_file' HEAD
git push -f # this changes the entire commit history

Commit and Worktree

Each commit is a file snapshot of the repo, indexed by the a unique hash (SHA, 40 char long checksum hash).

Git history is managed as tree graphs (worktree), each commit is a node of the tree. When creating a new commit with git commit -m "[message]", we create a new node, and its parent is pointing to the previous commit.

branch is a line of development. It can be materialized as a snapshot of the tree. The working tree is associated at most one branch (it might be detached, which is not associated with any named branch), git branch [branch-name] creates such a new branch and git merge [branch-name] merges two branches into one.

worktree graph

HEAD is the reference to the current node (which commit and branch).


Reference Examples

  • git reset [commit] undoes all commits after [commit], preserving changes locally
  • git reset --hard [commit] discards all history and back to the specified commit
  • git revert [commit] create a new commit, which the file changes are reverting the given commit.
  • git branch [branch-name] create a new branch
  • git checkout [branch-name] switch to the specified branch
  • git merge [branch-name] combine the specified branch into the current branch.
  • git branch -d [branch-name] delete branch
  • git tag [tag-name] create a tag from the current commit, usually for tagging specific versions for release.

Basic Commands Reference

Repos and Sync Remote

  • git init init repository
  • git clone [URL] clone repository
  • git fetch download the history (without updating the files) from all remote tracking branches
  • git merge combine remote tracking branch into current local branch
  • git pull update current local branch with new commits from corresponding remote branch
  • git push updates all local branch commits to corresponding remote branch

Commit Changes

  • git add [file] add files to be tracked
  • git status show the working tree status
  • git commit -m "[message]" create a commit (a file snapshot)

Inspect History

  • git log list commit history for the current branch
  • git diff [snap1] [snap2] diff the two branches/commits
  • git show [commit] outputs metadata and changes of the commit

Configure repo

  • git config --global "[name]" config the name shown in the git metadata, --global means setup for all repos on this machine.
  • git config --local "[email address]" config the email, --local means setup for this repo on this machine only.


Files to be excluded from being tracked (cache, build artifacts, binaries, etc.). Each line is a file pattern to be excluded.

Stash Temporary Changes

git stash maintain a stack of file changes snapshot

  • git stash save currently staged changes (without creating a commit) and push the snapshot to the stack, and revert them in the local dir
  • git stash pop pop the stack and write the stashed changes to the local dir
  • git stash drop discard the top of the stack


Submodule is to link another repo into the current repo, so that we can use them as a library without copying and syncing their changes.

git submodules is implemented as .gitmodule file, where each entry in

[submodule "lib1"]
    path = lib1
    url =
  • git submodule add [url] add the repo as a submodule to current dir, it can also add specific branch/commit/tag, see the help doc.
  • git submodule update [submodule] update the submodule according to how it is configured.