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Isometric, Conformal, Equiareal


Let \(f:\Sigma_1\rightarrow\Sigma_2\) be smooth. \(f\) is a local isometry if any curve \(\gamma_1\) in \(\Sigma_1\) has the same length as \(\gamma_2 = f\circ \gamma_1\). Then, \(\Sigma_1, \Sigma_2\) are locally isometric.

If \(f\) is a local isometry and a diffeomorphism, then \(f\) is a isometry.

Also, for notation, define

\[f^*\langle v,w\rangle_p := \langle D_pf(v),D_pf(w)\rangle_{f(p)}\]

Theorem \(f\) is a local isometry IFF the first fundamental form for \(p\) on \(\Sigma_1\) is the same as \(f(p)\) on \(\Sigma_2\).

proof. Let \(\gamma_1: \mathbb R\rightarrow \Sigma_1, \gamma_2 = f\circ \gamma_1: \mathbb R\rightarrow\Sigma_2\).
\(\Rightarrow\): Assume \(f\) preserves the length of the curve. Then, for any \(t_0<t_1\), we have that \(\int_{t_0}^{t_1}\|\gamma_1'\|dt = \int_{t_0}^{t_1}\|\gamma_2'\|dt\). Implying that \(\|\gamma'_1\| = \|\gamma_2'\|\) By chain rule,

\[\gamma'_2 = (f\circ \gamma_1)' = D_pf \gamma_1'\]

Note that \(D_pf \gamma_1'\) lies on the tangent plane \(T_{f(p)}\Sigma_2\) since \(D_pf: T_p\Sigma_1\rightarrow T_{f(p)}\Sigma_2\).
Therefore, we have that

\[\|\gamma'\|_1^2 = \langle \gamma_1',\gamma_1'\rangle_{T_p\Sigma_1} = \langle D_pf \gamma_1', D_pf \gamma_1'\rangle_{T_f(p)\Sigma_2}\]

\(\Leftarrow\): Assume \(\langle \gamma_1',\gamma_1'\rangle_{T_p\Sigma_1} = \langle D_pf \gamma_1', D_pf \gamma_1'\rangle_{T_f(p)\Sigma_2}\), then \(\|\gamma'_1\| = \langle \gamma_1',\gamma_1'\rangle_{T_p\Sigma_1}, \|\gamma'_2\| = \langle D_pf \gamma_1', D_pf \gamma_1'\rangle_{T_f(p)\Sigma_2}\) and it is proven.

Corollary \(f\) is an local isometry if \(\sigma_1: \mathbb R^2 \rightarrow V\cap\Sigma_1\) has the same fundamental form as \(f\circ \sigma_1\).

Example: Cylinder

Claim. Cylinder is locally isometric to a plane.

proof. Consider the unit cylinder \(\sigma(u,v) = (\cos u, \sin u, v)\). Then,

\[\sigma_u = (-\sin u, \cos u, 0), \sigma_v = (0, 0, 1)\]
\[E = \sin^2 u + \cos^2 u = 1, F = 0, G = 1\]

The first fundamental form is \(u'^2 + v'^2\), is the same as the plane.
However, this is not an isometry, since \(\sigma(0, v) = \sigma(2\pi, v)\) is not injective.

Example: Tangent Developables.

A tangent developable can be parameterized as

\[\sigma(u,v) = \gamma(u) + v(\gamma'(u))\]

In other words, the union of all the tangent lines to a curve.

Claim Tangent developables are isometric to a plane.
Assume \(\gamma\) is unit-speed,

\[\sigma_u = \gamma'(u) + v\gamma''(u), \sigma_v = \gamma'(u)\]
\[\begin{align*} N &= \sigma_u\times \sigma_v\\ &= (\gamma' + v\gamma'')\times (\gamma')\\ &= (\mathbf t \times \mathbf t) + v\kappa\mathbf n\times \mathbf t\\ &= 0 + v\kappa(-\mathbf b)\\ &= -v\kappa\mathbf b \end{align*}\]

Therefore, tangent developables are regular IFF \(v\neq 0, \kappa>0\)

\[\begin{align*} E &= \|\gamma'\|^2 + v\gamma'\cdot\gamma'' + v^2\|\gamma''\|^2 = 1 + v^2\kappa^2\\ F &= (\gamma' + v\gamma'')\cdot \gamma' = 1\\ G &= \gamma'\cdot\gamma' = 1 \end{align*}\]

Note that there exists a unit-speed plane curve with signed curvature being \(\kappa\). And note that it's a tangent developable in a plane, hence has the same first fundamental form.

Example: Cone

Consider the standard circular cone

\[\sigma: (0, \infty)\times (0, 2\pi) \rightarrow \mathbb R^3. \sigma(u,v) = (u\cos v, u\sin v, u)\]

Find its isometry from the xy-plane.

First, its 1st fundamental form is

\[\sigma_u = (\cos v, \sin v, 1), \sigma_v = (-u\sin v, u\cos v, 0)\]
\[E = 2, F = 0, G = u^2\]

Then, to map from xy-plane, we want some \(x(u, v)\) and \(y(u,v)\) s.t. \(\tilde\sigma(u, v) = (x(u, v), y(u, v), 0)\) and the same 1st fundamental form

\[x_u^2 + y_u^2 = 2, x_v^2 + y_v^2 = u^2, x_ux_v + y_uy_v = 0\]
\[x = \sqrt{2} u\cos(v/\sqrt 2), y = \sqrt{2} u\sin(v/\sqrt 2)\]

Example: Catenoid to Helicoid

A catenoid is parameterized as \(\sigma^c(u, v) = (\cosh u\cos v, \cosh u\sin v, u)\)
A helicoid is parameterized as \(\sigma^t(u, v) = (u\cos v, \sin v, v)\)

Claim the map from \(\sigma^c(u,v) \implies \sigma^t(\sinh u, v)\) is an isometry.

proof. (some computations are skipped)

\[E^c = \sinh^2 u + 1 = \cosh^2 u, E^t = \cosh^2 u\]
\[F^c = (-1 + 1)\sinh u\cos h u \sin v\cos v = 0 = F^c\]
\[G^c = \cosh^2 u(\cos^2 v + \sin^2 v) = \cosh^2, G^t = \sinh^2 u + 1 = \cosh^2 u\]

Define an isometric deformation of the catenoid into a helicoid. First define

\[\sigma^{-t}(u,v) = (-\sin h u\sin v, \sinh u\cos v, -v)\]

which reflect \(\sigma^{t}\) in the xy-plane and translating it by \(\pi/2\) parallel to the z-axis. Then, define

\[\sigma^{ct} = \cos(t) \sigma^c(u,v) + \sin(t)\sigma^{-t}(u,v)\]

t Claim This isometric deformation is a local isometry, regardless of the choice of \(t\).

proof. First, note that the first fundamental forms of \(\sigma^c,\sigma^t, \sigma^{-t}\) are all the same since they are all isometric (rotation and translation are isometric transformations). Then, note that \(\cos^2 t+ \sin^2 t = 1\) and \(t\) is not related to \(u,v\), hence are scalars in partial derivatives. Therefore, as \(\sigma^{ct}\) is a linear transformation of \(\sigma^c, \sigma^{-t}\), it is also isometric.

Conformal Mappings of Surfaces

For \(f: \Sigma_1\rightarrow\Sigma_2\) being a local diffeomorphism, \(f\) is a conformal map if for any two curves \(\gamma_1, \gamma_2\) on \(\Sigma_1\), The angle at intersection \(p\) is equal to the angle between \(f(\gamma_1(\mathbb R)), f(\gamma_2(\mathbb R))\) at point \(f(p)\).

In short, \(f\) is conformal IFF it preserves angles.

Theorem \(f\) is conformal IFF exists \(\lambda: \Sigma_1\rightarrow \mathbb R\) s.t.

\[\forall p \in \Sigma_1. f^*\langle v,w\rangle_p = \lambda(p) \langle v,w\rangle_p\]

\(\Rightarrow\) Assume that the angle is preserved

\[\frac{\langle \gamma_1', \gamma_2'\rangle}{\langle \gamma_1', \gamma_1'\rangle^{1/2}\langle \gamma_2', \gamma_2'\rangle^{1/2}} = \frac{f^*\langle \gamma_1', \gamma_2'\rangle}{f^*\langle \gamma_1', \gamma_1'\rangle^{1/2}f^*\langle \gamma_2', \gamma_2'\rangle^{1/2}}\]

Since \(\gamma_1,\gamma_2\) are choose arbitrarily, this is equalent to any vecto on \(T_p\Sigma_1\).
Take \(\{v_1, v_2\}\) be the orthonormal basis of \(T_p\Sigma_1\). Let \(v = v_1, w = \cos\theta v_1 + \sin\theta v_2\) so that \(v\cdot w = \cos \theta (v_1\cdot v_1) + \sin\theta (v_1\cdot v_2) = \cos\theta\)

Note that \(f^*\langle \cdot, \cdot\rangle\) is also dot product restricted to \(T_{f(p)}\Sigma_2\). Therefore,

\[\begin{align*} f^*\langle v, v\rangle &= f^*\langle v_1, v_1\rangle\\ f^*\langle v, w\rangle &= cos\theta f^*\langle v_1, v_1\rangle + \sin\theta f^*\langle v_1, v_2\rangle\\ f^*\langle w, w\rangle &= cos^2\theta f^*\langle v_1, v_1\rangle + 2\sin\theta\cos\theta f^*\langle v_1, v_2\rangle + \sin^2\theta f^*\langle v_2, v_2\rangle\\ \end{align*}\]

Write \(\lambda = f^*\langle v_1, v_1\rangle, \mu = f^*\langle v_1, v_2\rangle, \nu = f^*\langle v_2, v_2\rangle\) and by our assumption, we have

\[\cos\theta = \frac{\lambda \cos\theta + \mu\sin\theta}{\lambda^{1/2}(\lambda\cos^2\theta + 2\mu\sin\theta\cos\theta + \nu\sin^2\theta)^{1/2}}\]

We can solve it for \(\theta = \pi/2\), implying

\[\lambda = \lambda\cos^2\theta + \nu\sin^2\theta\]

Therefore, \(\lambda = \nu\implies \lambda = f^*\)

\(\Leftarrow\), Assume that \(\forall p \in \Sigma_1. f^*\langle v,w\rangle_p = \lambda(p) \langle v,w\rangle_p\), then \(\lambda\)'s cancles out in the angle equation.

\[\frac{\lambda(p)\langle \gamma_1', \gamma_2'\rangle}{ \lambda(p)^{1/2}\langle\gamma_1', \gamma_1'\rangle^{1/2}\lambda(p)^{1/2}\langle \gamma_2', \gamma_2'\rangle^{1/2}} = \frac{\langle \gamma_1', \gamma_2'\rangle}{\langle \gamma_1', \gamma_1'\rangle^{1/2}\langle \gamma_2', \gamma_2'\rangle^{1/2}}\]

Corollary \(f\) is conformal IFF for any patch \(\sigma_1\) of \(\Sigma_1\) and \(\sigma_2 = f\circ \sigma_1\) of \(\Sigma_2\), their first fundamental forms are proportional.

Example: Stereographic Projection

Consider a standard sphere \(S = \{x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1\}\) and XY-plane. Define \(\mathbf n = (0, 0, 1)\), i.e. the north pole of the sphere. The sterepographic projection maps \(\mathbf q \in S\) to \(\mathbf p \in \Pi_{XY}\) s.t. \(n, p, q\) lie on the same straight line, i.e.

\[\mathbf q - \mathbf n = c(\mathbf p-\mathbf n), \|\mathbf p\|^2 = 1\]

Now we have 3 equations and 3 unknowns if \(\mathbf q\) known, or 4 if \(\mathbf p\) known

\[\begin{align*} x - 0 = c(u - 0)&\implies x &= cu\\ y - 0 = c(v - 0)&\implies y &= cv\\ z - 1 = c(0 - 1)&\implies 1 - z &= c\\ &x^2 + y^2 + z^2 &= 1 \end{align*}\]

Therefore, the sterepographic projection \(\Pi: S^2-\{\mathbf n\} \rightarrow \Pi_{XY}\) is defined as

\[\Pi(x, y, z) = (\frac{x}{1-z}, \frac{y}{1-z}, 0)\]

and a parameterization of \(S^2-\{\mathbf n\}\) is

\[\sigma_1(u, v) = \frac{1}{u^2+v^2+1}(2u, 2v, u^2+v^2-1)\]

Claim sterepographic projection \(\Pi\) is conformal. Let \(\sigma_2 (u, v) = (u, v, 0)\) be a parameterization of XY-plane, and we have that \(\Pi\circ\sigma_1 = \sigma_2\), we need to show that first fundamental form of \(\sigma_1\) is proportional to that of \(\sigma_2\).

\[\begin{align*} \sigma_{1u} &= \frac{-2u}{(u^2+v^2+1)^2}(2u, 2v, u^2+v^2-1) + \frac{1}{u^2+v^2+1}(2, 0, 2u)\\ &= \frac{1}{(u^2+v^2+1)^2}(2(v^2-u^2+1), -4uv, 4u)\\ \sigma_{1v} &= \frac{1}{(u^2+v^2+1)^2}(-4uv, 2(u^2-v^2+1), 4u)\\ E_1 &= \frac{1}{(u^2+v^2+1)^4}(4(v^2-u^2+1)^2 + 16u^2v^2 + 16u^2) = \frac{4}{(u^2+v^2+1)^2}\\ G_1 &= \frac{4}{(u^2+v^2+1)^2}\\ F_1 &= \frac{1}{(u^2+v^2+1)^4}(-(8uv(v^2-u^2 + 1+u^2-v^2+1) + 16uv) = 0 \end{align*}\]

Note that \(E_2= G_2 = 1, F_2 = 0\), so that take

\[\lambda = \frac{4}{(u^2+v^2+1)^2}\]

and we have the conclusion.

Source code

Example: Enneper's Surface

Parameterize the surface as

\[\sigma(u, v) = (u - \frac{u^3}{3} + uv^2, v - \frac{v^3}{3} + vu^2, u^2-v^2)\]

Claim The Enneper's Surface is conformally parameterized. The first fundamental form is

\[\sigma_u = (1-u^2+v^2, 2uv, 2u), \sigma_v = (2uv, 1-v^2+u^2, -2v)\]
\[E = (1-u^2+v^2)^2 + 4u^2v^2+4u^2 = 1+u^2+v^2\]
\[G = E = 1+u^2+v^2\]
\[F = 4uv-4uv = 0\]

Define \(\lambda(u,v) = 1+u^2+v^2\), this surface is conformal to the plane.

Example: Mercator Parameterization

Known that the first fundamental form for the sphere is \(du^2 + \cos^2 udv'^2\), find a smooth function \(\phi\) s.t. the reparameterization \(\tilde \sigma (u,v) = \sigma(\phi(u), v)\) is conformal.

Note that the Jacobian of the transformation is

\[J = \begin{bmatrix}\partial_{\tilde u} u &\partial_{\tilde v} u\\\partial_{\tilde u} v&\partial_{\tilde v} v\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\phi' &0\\0&1\end{bmatrix}\]

so that the first fundamental form of \(\tilde \sigma\) is

\[\tilde E = (\phi'^2 E) = \phi'^2, \tilde F = (\phi' F) = 0, \tilde G = G = \cos^2 (\phi(u)) \]

Therefore, \(\tilde \sigma\) is conformal IFF \(\phi'^2 = \cos(\phi)\)

We can verify this on Mercator Parameterization, taking \(\cos\phi = \text{sech} u\) and we can verify that this is proven.

Equiareal Map

For \(f: \Sigma_1\rightarrow \Sigma_2\) by a local diffeomorphism, \(f\) is equiareal if for any open subset \(W\subset \Sigma_1\) has the same area as \(f(W)\subset \Sigma_2\).

Theorem \(f: \Sigma_1\rightarrow \Sigma_2\) is equiareal IFF

\[E_1G_1-F_1^2 = E_2G_2- F_2^2\]

proof. By the integral of area (see First Fundamental Form), and this comes directly from the equation.

Archimedes' Theorem

Let \(S^2 = \{(x,y,z): x^2+y^2+z^2 = 1\}\) be the unit sphere and \(C = \{(x,y,z): x^2+y^2 = 1\}\) be the unit cylinder. For each point \(p = (x,y,z)\in S^2 -\{(0,0,1), (0, 0, -1)\}\), \(p\) can be mapped to \(q =(X,Y,z)= f(p)\in C\) via the ray connecting \((0, 0, z), p, q\).

\[f: (x,y,z)\rightarrow (X = \lambda(x,y,z)x, Y = \lambda(x,y,z)y, z)\]

Note that \(X^2 + Y^2 = 1\implies \lambda(x^2 + y^2) = 1\implies \lambda = \frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}\), so that we can obtain

\[f(x,y,z) = (\frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}, \frac{y}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}, z)\]

Claim \(f\) is equiareal.

proof. Parameterize \(S^2\) using \(\sigma_1(u,v) = (\cos u \cos v, \cos u \sin v, \sin u)\), so that

\[\sigma_2: \mathbb R^2\rightarrow C. \sigma_2 = f\circ\sigma_1 = (\cos v, \sin v, \sin u)\]

For \(\sigma_1\), this is the sphere, known that \(E_1 = 1, F_1 = 0, G_1 = \cos^2 u\)
For \(\sigma_2\), \(E_2 = \|(0, 0, \cos u)\|^2 = \cos^2 u, G_2 = \|(-\sin v, \cos v, 0)\|^2 = 1, F_2 = 0\).
Therefore, \(E_1G_1-F_1^2 = E_2G_2 - F_2^2\). Hence it is equiareal.

Lemma \(A\times B \times C = (A\cdot C)B - (A\cdot B)C\)

proof. Note that \(S = A\times (B\times C)\) will be perpendicular to \(A\) and \(B\times C\), hence should reside on \(\text{span}\{B,C\}\).
Let \(S = mB + nC\), Note that \(S\cdot A = 0\),

\[mB\cdot A + nC\cdot A = 0\]

This equation must be valid for any \(A,B,C\), so that let \(m = (C\cdot A), n = - (B\cdot A)\) and we obtain the equation in the claim.

Theorem For \(\sigma(u,v)\) be a surface patch, and $ N$ be the unit normal.

\[N \times \sigma_u = \frac{E\sigma_v - F\sigma_u}{\sqrt{EG - F^2}}, N \times \sigma_v = \frac{F\sigma_v - G\sigma_v}{\sqrt{EG - F^2}}\]

proof. First, note that \(N = \frac{\sigma_u\times\sigma_v}{\|\sigma_u \times \sigma_v\|} = \frac{\sigma_u\times\sigma_v}{\sqrt{EG-F^2}}\).
Then, apply the lemma on the equations.