First Fundamental Form
First Fundamental Form
Let \(E = \|\sigma_u\|^2, F = \sigma_u\cdot\sigma_v, G = \|\sigma_v\|^2\), consideer the matrix \(M = \begin{bmatrix}E&F\\F&G\end{bmatrix}\), note that \(E, G\) are always positve, and since \(\det(M) = EG-F^2 > 0, M\) is always a postive definite symmetric matrix.
Consider the inner product equipped with dot product and restricted to the tangent plane at \(p\). Then, for any \(v\in T_p\Sigma\),
The First fundamentally form is the expression
Arc-length of curve on surface
Let \(\gamma: \mathbb R\rightarrow \Sigma\) be some smooth curve on the surface \(\Sigma\), then for some parameterization \(\sigma\) (assuming the surface is covered by one patch) we have that
Since \(\sigma\) is a homeomorphism, such \(u,v\) exists and are smooth. Therefore, for some segment of the curve,
Area of Surface
Assume doamin \(\Omega \subseteq \sigma(U)\), say \(\Omega = \sigma(U_1)\). The area of \(U_1\) is then integrated by \(\iint_{U_1}dudv\), i.e. integrate along each square \((u, v), (u+du, v+dv)\). For small \(du,dv\), since \(\sigma\) is a local diffeomorphism, it is approximated by the tangent plane \(\sigma_u, \sigma_v\). Therefore, the area of the mapped square is \(\|\partial_u\times \partial_v\|\), by change of variable,
Angle between Curves
Let \(\gamma_1: \mathbb R\rightarrow \Sigma, \gamma_2: \mathbb R\rightarrow\Sigma\) with \(\gamma_1(t_1) = \gamma_2(t_2) = p\in\Sigma\). Then, at point \(p, \gamma'_1, \gamma'_2 \in T_p\Sigma\).
Define angle two 2 curves on the surface as the angle on \(T_p\Sigma\) at intersection point \(p\).
Note that for each \(\gamma = \sigma(u(t), v(t))\) for \(u,v:\mathbb R\rightarrow\mathbb R\), its derivative is
Therefore, the angle is defined as
Example: Parameter Curve
The parameter curves on a surface patch \(\sigma(u,v)\) can be parametrized by
so that \(D\gamma_1 = (1, 0), D\gamma_2 = (0, 1)\) \(\cos\theta = \frac{E(0) + F(1) + G(0)}{\sqrt{EG} } = \frac{F}{\sqrt{EG} }\)
\(\sigma = (\sinh u\sinh v, \sinh u\cosh v, sinh u)\)
\(\sigma = (u-v, u+v, u^2+v^2)\)
\(\sigma = (\cosh u, \sinh u, v)\)
\(\sigma = (u, v, u^2+v^2)\)
Source code
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import numpy as np
from numpy import sinh, cosh
from IPython.display import display, IFrame
theta, psi = np.mgrid[-.5 * np.pi:.5 * np.pi:10j, -np.pi: np.pi:10j]
u, v = np.mgrid[-.5 :.5 :10j, -1: 1:10j]
S1 = go.Surface(x=sinh(theta) * sinh(psi), y=sinh(theta) * cosh(psi), z=sinh(theta))
S2 = go.Surface(x=u - v, y=u + v, z=u * u + v * v)
S3 = go.Surface(x=cosh(theta), y=sinh(theta), z=v)
S4 = go.Surface(x=u, y=v, z=u * u + v * v)
fig = make_subplots(cols=2, rows=2, horizontal_spacing=0, vertical_spacing=0,
specs=[[{"type": "scene"}, {"type": "scene"}], [{"type": "scene"}, {"type": "scene"}]])
fig.add_trace(S1, row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(S2, row=1, col=2)
fig.add_trace(S3, row=2, col=1)
fig.add_trace(S4, row=2, col=2)
fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0), height=720)
with open("../assets/fff.json", "w") as f:
First Fundamental Forms with Reparameterization
Theorem Let \(\tilde \sigma(\tilde u, \tilde v)\) be a reparameterization of some \(\sigma(u,v)\) with transformation map \(\Phi\). Then, the first fundamental form of the reparameterization is
where \(J\) is the Jacobian matrix of \(\Phi\).
proof. First, by the reparameterization, we have that \((u, v) = \Phi(\tilde u, \tilde v)\), therefore
If we plug in this, we have that the first fundamental form of \(\tilde \sigma\) is
Simplify the equation, we can have the formula as wanted
Example: Surface of Revolution
For surface pf revolution
with the assumption that \(\gamma(t) = (f(t), g(t))\) resides on the plane is unit-speed. Then, we have
Therefore, the first fundamental form is
For sphere, we have \(f(u) = \cos u\), which implies the first fundamental form is