Learning for 3D Vision
UCB CS294-173 (2023W)
Intro. Image Understanding
CSC420 (2019F)
Intro. Visual Computing
CSC320 (2019F)
Yawen Ma
Geometry Processing
CSC419/CSC2520 (2020F)
Physics-based Animation
CSC417/CSC2549 (2020F)
Computer Graphics and Imaging
UCB CS284A/CS184A (2023W)
Intro. Computer Graphics
CSC418/CSC2504 (2020S)
Neural Networks
CSC413/CSC2516 (2020W)
Probabilistic Learning and Reasoning
CSC412/CSC2506 (2020W)
Intro. Machine Learning
CSC311 (2019F)
Applications of Parallel Computers
UCB CS 267 (2023W)
Numerical Methods
CSC336 (2019F)
Parallel Programming
CSC367 (2021F)
Principles of Programming Languages
CSC324 (2022W)
Algorithms Design, Analysis and Complexity
CSC373 (2019W)
Enriched Data Structures and Analysis
CSC265 (2018F)
Enriched Theory of Computation
CSC240 (2018W)
CSC343 (2019W)
Daniela Rosu
Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
MAT363 (2022W)
Complex Variables
MAT334 (2021F)
Daniel Johnstone
Intro. Real Analysis
MAT337 (2019S)
Tomas Kojar
Nonlinear Optimization
APM462 (2020S)
Jonathan Korman
Theory of Statistical Practice
STA355 (2020W)
Time Series Analysis
STA457/2202 (2019S)
Jen Wen Lin
Methods of Data Analysis
STA303/STA1002 (2019S)
Shivon Sue-Chee
STA347 (2018F)
Gun Ho Jang