Priority Queue: Max Heap
Abstract Data Type
- Object:
- Set \(S\) of keys (integers) and values
- Operations:
return the element of \(S\) with the highest prioritypull()
return highest priority and removes it from \(S\)insert(key, value)
addkey, value
to \(S\)
Data Structure: Max(Min) Heap
Max heap, as the data structure, is a implementament of priority queue.
- A complete binary tree \(T\) of size \(n\) where the key of every node is at least the keys of its children.
- By "complete", every level is full except possibly the last one where all nodes are fully to the left.
- Note that, since \(T\) is complete, we can store it as an array instead of a tree object.
Claim 1 The max level of a complete binary tree with \(n\) nodes is \(\lfloor\lg n\rfloor\)
proof. Consider the number of nodes for a complete binary tree with height \(h\)
where the lower bound is the tree with 1 leaf at \(h\) level, and upper bound will have \(2^h\) leaves at \(h\) level.
Thus, \(h = \lfloor\lg n\rfloor\)
Observation We can map a complete binary tree to an array via - \(\text{root} = 0\) - \(\text{parent}(i) = \lfloor i / 2\rfloor\) - \(\text{left}(i) = 2i + 1\) - \(\text{right}(i) = 2i + 2\)
return the root of the tree.insert(x)
put \(x\) in the leftmost position of the leaf level, then swap with its parent if it is smaller than its parent.extract_max()
remove the root, move the leftmost to the root. Swap with its larger child till it's large than its children.
The swap
operation can be considered as a structural induction heapify(A, i)
- precondition: left and right subtree of \(A[i]\) are both heap.
- postcondition: The tree rooted at \(A[i]\) is a heap.
max_heapify(A: heap, i: index) | |
Base case: - \(H[i]\) is a leaf, then it is a heap.
Induction Step:
- If \(A[i]\) does not violate max heap property, meaning it is larger than or equal to both children. Then none of the if conditions are satisfied and we are done.
- If \(A[i]\) is smaller than any of its children, than by
line 4-7
will be set to the index of the larger child. Byline 8-10
, WLOG assume thatlargest = r
. Then, after the swap- Left subtree is untouched, by precondition, it is a max heap.
- Right subtree is a max heap by
line 10
and induction hypothesis. - The new root, by
line 4-9
, is greater than or equal to its children.
Each time, a swap happens between a parent and child, in the worst case, we swap from root to a leaf, by Claim 1, resulting \(T(n) \in O(h)\).
Build Heap from Array
Consider the for loop, we want to prove the loop invariance that the tree rooted at \(A[i]\) is a max heap.
For \(i = \lfloor n / 2\rfloor\). Note that \(h = \lfloor \lg n\rfloor\), thus the node is in the second last level. It subtrees are either leaf or empty, hence by correctness of max_heapify
, the loop invariance is met.
For \(i < \lfloor n / 2\rfloor\), by loop counter, since \(\text{left}(i) = 2i + 1 > i, \text{right}(i) = 2i+2 > i\), both subtrees either empty or have already run max_heapify
, thus, the loop invariance is met.
Claim \(T(n)\in O(n)\) Consider the for loop, at each height \(h\), there are at most \(n/2^h\) nodes, and each max_heapify
takes \(O(h) = ch\) time. Therefore,
Note that by Maclaurin series
Therefore, we have that
Heap Sort
Given an array, return a sorted array using the heap
heap_sort(A) | |
Correctness is trivial, since \(H\) is a heap and we always extract the largest element.
Runtime: line 1
takes \(O(n)\), the for loop in line 3-4
takes \(n \times O(h) \in O(n \lg n)\). Thus, \(T(n) \in O(n\lg n)\).
arr = [2, 11, 10, 8, 3, 3, 7]
# ascending = True => min heap
# ascending = False => max heap
# default max heap
h = Heap(arr, ascending=True)
[+] Usage Example
Given a sorted array \(A\) of distinct integers of length \(n > 1\). Design a data structure that supports - perprocess(A)
initialize the data structure. This operation should run in \(O(n)\) - next(A)
return the next pair \((i,j), 1\leq i\leq j\leq n\) in non-decreasing order \(A[j] - A[i]\). Each call should run in \(O(\log n)\)
We can assume that preprocess
is called once, following at most \(n\choose 2\) calls to next
Lemma 1 Let \((i_i, j_i)\) be the return value of the ith call to next
. Then, \(j_1 - i_1 = 1, j_2 - i_2 = 1\).
proof. Since \(A\) is sorted. If \(j_1 - i-1 > 1\), then there exists \(A[j_1 - 1] - A[i_1] < A[j_1] - A[i_1]\).
Moreover, consider \((i_2, j_2)\), \(A[j_2] - A[i_2 + 1] < A[j_2] - A[i_2]\).
Lemma 2 Let \(\sigma = [(i_1, j_1),...,(i_N, j_N)]\) be the sequence of return values from \(N = {n\choose 2}\) calls of next
. Then for any \(k\), either \(j_k - i_k = 1\) or \((i_k, i_{k+1})\) and \((i_{k+1},j_k)\) appear before \((i_k,j_k)\) in \(\sigma\).
Runtime analysis is trivial.
For correctness,
Claim 1 each pair \((i,j)\) inserted is distinct. proof. For pairs inserted in preprocess
this is obvious. For any pair inserted in next
, we must have that \(j-i > 1\), considering line 3
. Suppose that \((i,j)\) is the first pair that got inserted twice, then it must exists \((i, j-1)\) be extracted twice, meaning it is inserted before, contradiction.
Claim 2 For each \((i_k, j_k)\), \(A[j_k] - A[i_k]\) is the \(k\)th smallest.
proof. For \(k = 1\), by lemma 1 this is proven. Then, assume \(k>1\) is the first step where \(A[j_k] - A[i_k]\) is not minimal. Let \((i,j)\) be the pair that should be extracted at \(k\)th step, \((i,j)\neq (i_k, j_k), A[j]-A[i] < A[j_k] - A[i_k]\). Note that \(j - i > 1\), otherwise it is inserted through preprocess
and must be extracted. Then, for \(j - i > 1\), then by lemma 2, \((i+1, j)\) must have been extracted. Therefore \((i,j)\) must have been inserted. By the property of heap, \((i,j)\) must be extracted at \(k\)th step.