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Problem Setup

State is a representation of a configuration of the problem domain.

State Space the set of all states.

Initial State the starting configuration

Goal State Some configuration one want to achieve

Action (State Space Transitions) A function from state to another state that is defined by allowed changes to move from one state to another

Then a solution will a sequence of actions that transform the initial state to a goal state.

Search Graph

Assuming the search space is finite, we can define a Graph \(G=(V,E)\) where \(V\) is the states in the search space, with repetitions, and \((v_i,v_j)\in E\) if there's an action that transforms \(v_i\) into \(v_j\).

A search tree reflects the behavior of an algorithm as it walks through a search problem. We consider the solution depth \(d\) and max branching factor \(b\).

Note that if we prune all circles in the graph, the search graph should be a tree rooted at the initial state, and branching out by possible actions.


An algorithm will take inputs as - initial state - successor function \(S(x)\): return the set of states that can be reached via one action from \(x\). - Goal Test \(G(x)\) return true iff \(x\) satisfies the goal condition. - action cost function \(C(x,A,y)\) return the cost of the action \(A(x)=y\), if unreachable, then return \(\infty\)

And output sequence of actions \((A_0, ...., A_n)\) that will transforms initial state into the goal. The solution might be optimal in cost, or in length, but generally does not have any guarantees.

For a algorithm we need to consider: - completeness: will the search always find a solution if a solution exists - optimality: will the search always find the optimal cost solution - time complexity: often considered by the max number of nodes (paths) expanded - space complexity: often considered by the max number of nodes (paths) stored

To explore the state space, iteratively apply \(S\) to states discovered so far, and \(S(x)\) will give more states. We can at the same time, annotate their action and cost. For example, \(S(x) = \{(y_1, a_1, [c_1]), ..., (y_k, a_k, [c_k])\}\). We can put states into a list called Frontier (Open) and repeatedly pulling states from Open until a goal state is found.

def tree_search(s0, Succ, Goal):
    s0: initial state
    Goal: Goal test
    Succ: successor function
    Open = {s0}
    while not Open.is_empty():
        # the selection will be defined by different algorithm
        x = Open.pull()
        if Goal(x):
            return True
        Open = Open.union(Succ(x))
    return False

Note that the order of pulling from Open has a critical effect on the search, therefore, we need to define some order on Open