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Network Flow

Problem Definition

network \(N=(V,E)\) is a directed, connected with:

  • source \(s\in V\) no incoming edge
  • sink \(t\in V\) no outgoing edge
  • capacity \(c:E\rightarrow \mathbb{N}\)


Assign flow \(f(e)\in\mathbb{R}^{\geq 0}\) s.t. - \(\forall e\in E. 0\leq f(e)\leq c(e)\) - \(\forall v\in V-\{s,t\}, f^{in}(v)=f^{out}(v)\), where \(f^{in}(v)=\sum_{(u,v)\in E}f(u,v), f^{out}(v)=\sum_{(u,v)\in E}f(v,u)\) - Maximize flow in \(N\): \(|f|=f^{out}(s)=f^{in}(t)\)


Start with any feasible solution (one that satisfies the basic constraints)

Make incremental improvements, until this is no longer possible

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

start with any valid flow \(f\), e.g. \(f(e)=0\)
while there is some augmenting path \(P\) in \(N\): augment \(f\) along \(P\)

path \(P=s\rightarrow v_1\sim v_k\rightarrow t\) is augmenting IFF \(f(e)<c(e), \forall e\in P\)

First step
For every edge on \(P\), define residual capacity of the edge \(\Delta(u,v)=c(u,v)-f(u,v)\), define residual capacity of the path \(\Delta(P)=\min\{\Delta(u,v)\mid (u,v)\in P\}\), then augmenting \(f\) along \(P\) simply add \(\Delta(P)\) to \(f(e)\) for each \(e\in P\)

After the augmentation, the graph will end up with non-maximum

Second step
Extend the notion of augmenting path. For each path, regardless direction. - send flow on a "backward edge" to somewhere else. Call its residual capacity \(\Delta(e)=f(e)\) - All other edges are "forward" remains unchanged. - To augment \(f\), increase \(f(e)\) for forward edges, decrease \(f(e)\) for backward edges.

Residual Network

For network \(N\), flow \(f\), create a residual network \(N'=(V,E')\). For each edge, change it to dual directions with weights \(w(u,v)=\Delta(u,v)\) on the unchanged direction, \(w(v,u)=f(u,v)\) on the reversed direction.

Therefore, augment path in \(N\) is equivalent to augment path in \(N'\)

Correctness of the strategy

Cut a partition of \(V=\{V_s,V_t\},s\in V_s, t\in V_t\)
\(\forall X=\{V_s,V_t\}\) cut.
Define capacity \(c(X)=\sum_{u\in V_s, v\in V_t\\(u,v)\in E} c(u,v)\), we say such path is forward in respect to \(X\).
Define flow \(f(X)=\sum_{u\in V_s, v\in V_t\\(u,v)\in E} f(u,v)-\sum_{u\in V_t, v\in V_s\\(u,v)\in E} f(u,v)\)

Observations - \(\forall N, f \text{ valid}, X. f(X)\leq c(X)\) - \(\forall N,f,X. f(X)=|f|\)

Theorem \(\forall N, f \text{ valid}. |f|\) is maximized IFF \(N\) has no augmenting path.

Proof \(\Rightarrow\) Suppose \(N\) contains an augmenting path. then current \(|f|\) is no maximized. Proven by contradiction.

\(\Leftarrow\) Assume \(N\) does not contain an augmenting path, construct cut \(X\) as:

  • start with \(V_s=\{s\}, V_t=V-V_s\)
  • for any edge \((u,v), u\in V_s, v\in V_t, f(u,v)<c(u,v), V_t = V_t-\{v\}, V_s = V_s\cup \{v\}\)
  • for any \((u,v), u\in V_t, v\in V_s, f(u,v)>0, V_t=V_t - \{u\}, V_s=V_s\cup \{u\}\)

repeat as long as possible. Equivalently, \(V_s =\) all vertices reachable from \(s\) in \(N'\), \(V_t=V-V_s\)

Then, \(t\not\in V_s\), \(X=(V_s,V_t)\) is valid and \(\forall (u,v)\in E, u\in V_s, v\in V_t. f(u,v)=c(u,v). \forall (u,v)\in E, u\in V_t, v\in V_s, f(u,v)=0\).

Therefore \(|f|=f(X)=c(X)\)


possible for runtime depend on the smallest capacity \(V=\{s,t,a,b\}, E=\{(s,a,10^{100}), (a,t,10^{100}), (a,b,1), (s,b,10^{100}, (b,c,10^{100})\}\) Consider the loop \(s\rightarrow a\rightarrow b\rightarrow t,s\rightarrow a\leftarrow b\rightarrow t\)

To improve 1. use BFS to find augmented paths: \(O(|V||E|)\) augmentations required. Since BFS runs in \(O(|E|)\) the total is \(O(|V||E|^2)\) 2. since we will rerun BFS sometimes, with each execution of BFS, use all augmented path found before running BFS again. Possible to improve to \(O(|V|^2|E|)\) 3. \(O(n^3)\) possible using a different tech called preflow algorithms.


In practice, solving problems through Network flow involves transforming the original problem into network flow.

1  input 
        Describe how to create N_X
2. network N_X
        Use F-F algorithm ...
3. find max-flow f or min-cut X
        Describe how to construct a solution from the N_X result
4. construct solution to original problem


  • Argue that every solution to original problem corresponds to some valid flow/cut in \(N_X\)
  • Argue that every flow in \(N_X\) (or every cut) corresponds to some solution for original problem

Max bipartite matching Problem

Input: \(G=(V_1,V_2, E)\) undirected, bipartite (\(\forall (u,v)\in E. u\in V_1, v\in V_2\))

Output: a matching \(M\subseteq E\) s.t. no two edges in \(M\) shares endpoints. max \(|M|\)


add \(s\) to \(V_1\), add all edges from \(s\) to all vertices in \(V_1\), make all edges in \(E\) directed from \(V_1\) to \(V_2\). Add \(t\) to \(V_2\), add all edges from all vetices in \(V_2\) to \(t\). Then do network flow (integer). output \(M=\{(u,v)\in E\mid f(u,v)=1\}\)


for any matching \(M\) in \(G\), \(\exists\) a corresponding flow \(f(u,v)=\mathbb{I}\)((u,v) matching),\(f(s,u)=\mathbb{I}\)(u matched), \(f(v,t)=\mathbb{I}\)(if v matched). Then, $\max|f|\geq $max matching size

for any valid flow \(f\), \(\exists M = \{(u,v)\in E\mid f(u,v)=1\}\) because of the capacity constraint, no edges in \(M\) can share an endpoint. Then max matching size \(\geq \max|f|\)

Max independent set for bipartite graphs

Input: \(G=(V_1,V_2,E)\) bipartite

Output: an independent set \(S\subseteq V_1\cup V_2\) with no edge having both endpoints in \(S\). max \(|S|\).


  1. add \(s\) to \(V_1\), add all edges from \(s\) to all vertices in \(V_1\) and has capacity 1, make all edges in \(E\) directed from \(V_1\) to \(V_2\) and have capacity \(\infty\). Add \(t\) to \(V_2\), add all edges from all vetices in \(V_2\) to \(t\) have capacity 1.
  2. Find cut \(X\) in \(N\) with min capacity (first, find max flow, then let \(X=\)connected component of \(s\) in \(N'\))
  3. Let \(X=(V_s,V_t)\), )Output \(S=(V_1\cap V_s) \cup (V_2\cap V_t)\)


  • Given any independent set \(S\subseteq V_1\cup V_2\), consider the cut \(X=(V_s,V_t)\) where \(V_s=\{s\}\cup (V_1\cap S)\cup(V_2-S)\). Then, \(c(X)=\sum_{u\in V_1,u\not\in S} c(s,u) + \sum_{v\in V_2, v\not\in S}c(v,t) = |V_1-S|+|V_2-S|=|V_1\cup V_2|-|S|\). So min cut capacity \(\geq |V_1|+|V_2|\) (max independent set size)

  • For any cut \(X=(V_s,V_t)\) with \(c(X)<\infty\), then \(S=(V_1\cap V_s)\cup(V_2\cap V_t)\) is an independent set since the cut has a finite capacity (else, there would be an edge with infinity capacity), then similarly \(c(X)|=|V_1\cup V_2|-|S|\)

Therefore, the cuts is equivalent to the independent set. Hence, the max independent set size \(=|V_1+V_2|-\text{min cup capacity}\)