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Greedy Algorithm

Activity Schedule

\(A = \{a_1,...,a_n\}\) set of tasks, \(|A|=n\), \(a_i = (s_1,f_i), s_i=\) start time, \(f_i=\) finish time. \(S \subseteq A. S=\) set of tasks without overlap. Maximize \(|S|\).

Implementation: Greedy based on finish time

sort A by the finishing time
f = 0 # finishing time
S = []
for ai in A: 
    if f <= ai.s: # the start time of the ith activity
        f = ai.f
return S

Correctness (Thrm 16.1 CLRS)

Define \(OPT\subseteq A\) be an optimal solution of the problem, in which \(|OPT|\) is maximized and there is no overlapping in \(OPT\). Define \(S_k\) be the state of \(S\) after the \(k\)th iteration of the for loop (4-7), \(S_0\) be the state before entering the loop. Claim \(\exists OPT. \forall k\in\mathbb{N}.S_k\subseteq OPT\subseteq S_k\cup\{A_{k+1},...,A_n\}\). (loop invariant)
Proof prove by induction
Base case \(S_0=\emptyset\subseteq OPT\subseteq \{A_1,...,A_n\}\)
Inductive step Take \(OPT\) be some optimal solution,assume the inductive hypothesis. Consider the two cases

  • \(S_{i+1} = S_i\), a.k.a. \(A_{k+1}\) overlaps with some activity in \(S_{i}\). By induction hypothesis, \(S_{i+1}\subseteq OPT\subseteq S_k \cup \{A_{k+1},..., A_n\}=S_{k+1}\cup \{A_{k+1},..., A_n\}\). Moreover, \(A_{k+1}\not\in OPT\) because \(A_{k+1}\) would overlap with some activity in \(OPT\), hence \(S_{i+1}\subseteq OPT\subseteq S_{k+1}\cup \{A_{k+1},..., A_n\} - \{A_{k+1}\} = S_{k+1}\cup \{A_{k+2},..., A_n\}\).

  • \(S_{i+1} = S_{i}\cup \{A_{k+1}\}\).
    If \(A_{k+1}\in OPT\), then the claim is proven.
    If \(A_{k+1}\not\in OPT\), then consider \(A_m\in OPT, m > i+1\) is the smallest index that is greater than \(i+1\), then \(A_m\) has greater finishing time than \(A_{k+1}\), let \(OPT' = OPT - {A_m} \cup \{A_{i+1}\}, |OPT'|=|OPT|\), \(A_{k+1}\) will not overlap with any other activities in \(OPT'\) since it will not overlap with any activities before \(A_m\) by its starting time property, and it will not overlap with any activity after \(A_m\) since it even finishes earlier than \(A_m\), then \(OPT'\) is a optimal solution, and \(S_{k+1}\subseteq OPT'\) since \(m > i+1, A_m\not\in S_{k+1}\), and \(OPT' \subseteq S_{k+1}\cup\{A_{k+2},...,A_n\}\) since \(A_{k+1}\in S_{k+1}\)

General strategy for proving Greedy correctness

every partial solution generated can be extended to an optimal solution

Proof of sub-case 2.2 is called exchange lemma

Minimal Spanning Tree

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a connected graph with weight function \(w(e)\in\mathbb{N}. \forall e\in E\).
A Spanning tree \(S = (V,T)\) is an acyclic, connected subgraph (tree) of \(G\). minimize \(w(T)=\sum_{e\in T}w(e)\)


  • Prim's Algorithm Start with an arbitrary vertex \(v\), let \(C = \{v\}\) be the connected component. For each iteration, add the shortest edge attaches to \(C\) and some \(u\not\in C\), until \(C = V\).
  • Kruskal's Algorithm Start with \(T = \emptyset\), let \(E'\) be \(E\) sorted in non-increasing order of weight. Iterate over \(E'\), if \(e\) connects two different connected component (implement with disjoint set), adds to \(T\).

sort E by non-increasing order
T = [] #empty disjoint set
for e in range(1,m):
    if e connects two disjoint sets:
- Reverse remove Algorithm Starts with \(T = E\), let \(E'\) be \(E\) sorted in non-decreasing order of weight, iterate over \(E'\), remove \(e\) from \(T\) if the two vertices are still connected.

Correctness (Krustal's)

Define \(T_i\) be the state of \(T\) after the \(i\)th iteration of the for loop (line 3-5), \(T_0=\emptyset\). Define \(T^*\) be the optimal solution. Claim \(\forall n\in\mathbb{N}. T_n\subseteq T^*\subseteq T_n\cup\{e_{n+1},...,e_{m}\}\)
Proof Let \(n\in\mathbb{N}\). Suppose \(n = 0\), \(\emptyset\subseteq T^* \subseteq E\).
Suppose \(n > 0\), assume \(P(n)\).

  • Suppose \(T_{n+1} = T_{n}\), then by the if condition (line 4), \(e_{n+1}\) will create a cycle in \(T_n\), hence \(e_{n+1}\not\in T^*\). Therefore, \(T_{n+1} = T_n \subseteq T^* \subseteq T_{n+1}\cup\{e_{n+2},...,e_m\}\)
  • Suppose \(T_{n+1} = T_{n}\cup\{e_{n+1}\}\)
    If \(e_{n+1} \in T^*\), then proven
    If \(e_{n+1}\not\in T^*\), say \(e_{n+1} = (u, v),u\in T_n, v\not\in T_n\), then consider some \(e_i\in T^*\) with one endpoint being \(v\), \(e_i\not\in T_n\) since \(T_n\) does not connect \(v\). Then, \(w(e_i)\geq w(e_{n+1})\) by the sorting property. Then consider \(T^{**} = T^* - \{e_i\}\cup\{e_{k+1}\}, w(T^{**})\leq w(T^*)\). Also, \(T^{**}\) is connected, acyclic by the MST property of \(T^*\). Hence \(T^{**}\) is a MST. \(T_{n+1}\subseteq T^{**}\subseteq T^{**}\cup \{e_{n+2},...,e_m\}\).

Shortest Path

Precondition \(G = (V,E)\) connected, with \(w:E\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}^+\). \(s,t\in V\)
Postcondition return \(u\sim v\) with minimized \(w(u\sim v) = \sum_{e\in u \sim v} w(e)\)


  • Brute force: worst case \(O(c^n)\)
  • Special Case: \(\forall e\in E. w(e) = 1\Rightarrow\) BFS \(\in O(|E|)\)
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
    dijkstra(G, w, s, t)
    P = [] # list of edges of the shortest paths tree
    Q = empty min-priority queue of vertices v, prioritize on v.d
    for all v in V:
        v.parent = Nil
        v.d = Infinity
    s.d = 0
    while Q is not empty:
        v = Q.dequeue()
        for (u,v) in all paths containing v:
            if u in Q and v.d + w(v,u) < u.d:
                u.parent = v
                u.d = v.d + w(u,v)
    P.remove((Nil, s))
    return p
  • Similar to BFS, use a priority queue (prioritized by best distance so far) instead of an array
  • Similar to Prim's, but with different priorities


\(O((m+n)\log n) = O(m \log n)\) since connected Initialization takes (1-8) \(O(n)\) time
Consider the while loop (9-16), in each iteration, \(v\) is dequeued from \(Q\) and no nodes are enqueued, hence the while loop will execute \(O(n)\) time.
Consider the inner for loop, consider \(G\) implemented as an adjacency list. Over all iterations, each edge generates at most one queue update and are examined at most twice. For each queue update, it takes \(O(\log n)\) time. Therefore, the total is \(O(m\log n)\) Since the graph is connected, the total time is \(O(m \log n)\)


Define \(\forall v\in V. \delta (s,v)=\min\{w(s\sim v)\mid s\sim v\text{ is a path in }G\}\)

Lemma 1 \(\forall v\in V\). in any iteration, \(v.d\geq \delta(s,v)\).
Proof by induction on the number of iteration, based on the algorithm, \(u.d=\infty\) or weight of some particular path.

Lemma 2 (Triangular property) \(\forall u,v,w\in V. \delta(u,v)\leq \delta(u,w)+\delta(w,v)\).
Proof Otherwise \(u\sim w\sim v\) is the shortest path.

Lemma 3 (sub-path property) Any sub-path of a shortest path is shortest.
Proof prove by contradiction, a shorter sub-path will shorten the path.


Show \(P_k\) the value of \(P\) after the \(k\)th iteration of the loop, can be extend to some optimal shortest path tree. - Core of inductive step: show that \(\forall v\in P_k. v.d=\delta(s,v)\) - Consider one iteration \(P_{k+1}=P_k\cup\{v'.parent, v'\}\) which \(v'\) is just being connected. Then it follows \(v'.d=\delta(s,v')\).
By lemma 1, we only need to prove \(u.d \leq \delta(s,v)\) by contradiction.
Assume \(v.d>\delta(s,v)\). Consider \(s\sim v\in P_{k+1}\), consider \((s\sim v)^*\) be the shortest path, let \((x,y)\in(s\sim v)^*\) be the first edge such that \(x\in P_k, y\not\in P_k\).
If \(y\neq v\), then \(y.d \leq x.d + w(x,y)\leq \delta(s,x)+w(x,y)<\delta(s,x)+w(x,y)+\delta(y,v)=\delta(s,v)<v.d\), contradict to \(v.d\) is the min in \(Q\) If \(y=v,v.d\leq x.d+w(x,v)=\delta(s,v)<v.d\)


Let \(k\in\mathbb{N}. k < n\). Let \(P(k)\) be such that "\(\exists P^*\) be the optimal solution s.t. \(P_k\subseteq P^*\) and \(P^*-P_k\) contains only edges without both endpoints in \(P_k\) and \(\forall u\in P_k.\forall v\not\in P_k. u.d=\delta(s,u)\leq \delta(s,v)\leq v.d\)".

Suppose \(k = 0\), \(P_0=\emptyset\subseteq P^*\).

Suppose \(k > 0\), assume \(P(k)\). consider \(P_{k+1} = P_k \cup \{(u,v)\}, u\in P_k, v\not\in P_k\). - Suppose \((u,v)\in P^*\). Then \(P_{k+1}\subseteq P^*\). Also \(\delta(s,v)=\delta(s,u)+w(u,v)=\delta(s,v)\). By the priority of \(Q\), \(v.d\) is the smallest among vertices not connected by \(P_k\), hence \(\forall x\in P_{k+1}.\forall w\not\in P_{k+1}. x.d\leq \delta(s,x)\leq \delta(s,w)\leq w.d\). - Suppose \((u,v)\not\in P^*\). Then take \((s\sim v)^* \in P^*\), \((w,v)\) be the last edge in the path \((s\sim v)^*\).
I claim that \(w\in P_k\).
- Let \((x,y)\in(s\sim v)^*\) be the first edge such that \(x\in P_k, y\not\in P_k\). Then \(y.d\le \delta(s,v) \leq v.d\) because \(w((s,v)^*)=\delta(s,v)\) and \(w(s\sim y) < w((s,v)^*)\) since \(y\) is on the path. However this contradict with the fact that \(v.d\) has the minimum priority. - Therefore, \(\delta(s,v) = w.d + w(w,v)\). Then, since \(v.d\) is the shortest distance, \(v.d \leq w.d + w(w,v) = \delta(s,v)\). By Lemma 1, \(v.d = \delta(s,v)\) . Take \(P^{**} = P^* - \{(w,v)\}\cup\{(u,v)\}\) is a shortest path tree and \(\forall x\in P_k. \forall y\not\in P_k. x.d = \delta(s,x)\leq \delta(s,y) \leq y.d\)

Example Question 1

\(D = \{1, 5, 10, 25\}. \forall n \in \mathbb{Z}^+\). Let \(S\) be a multi-set of elements from \(D\) such that \(\sum_{s\in S} s = n\), minimize \(|S|\)


S = []
while n > 0:
    if n >= 25:
        x = 25
    else if n >= 10:
        x = 10
    else if n >= 5:
        x = 5
        x = 1
n -= x
return S

Correctness Discussion

Let \(S^* = \{s_1^*,...,s_j^*\}\) be the optimal sequence, let \(S_i = \{s_1,...,s_k\}\) be the sequence of \(S\) after \(i\)th iteration of the while loop. \(S_0=\emptyset\).

Consider the case when \(s_m \neq s^*_m\) for some \(m\), then we will show that there are coins in \(S^* - S_m\) and not the same value as \(s_m\) that makes up to \(s_m\), where it will use more coins.

Notice that this algorithm does not work for a general \(D = \{1, d_1,d_2,...,d_k\}\) where \(D\) is strictly increasing. For example, \(D=\{1,3,4\}. n = 6\). \(S = \{4, 1, 1\}\) while \(S^* = \{3, 3\}\)

Example Question 2

Part (a)

Prove \(\forall G\) connected, \(|E| \geq |V|\). if \(e\) is the unique minimum cost edge, then \(e\) must be in every MST of \(G\).

Proof. Let \(T\) be a MST of \(G\) that does not contain \(e=(u,v)\), Consider \(u\sim v \in T\), then \(e\cup u\sim v\) is a cycle, since \(e\) has the unique minimum weight, take out any edge \(w \in u\sim v\), \(w(T-\{w|\cup\{e\})<w(T)\). By contradiction, claim is proven.

Part (b)

Prove \(\forall G\) connected, \(|E| \geq |V|\). if \(e\) is the unique maximum cost edge, then \(e\) must not be in any MST of \(G\). Or Disprove by counter-example.

Proof. I'll disprove this claim, take \(G\) such that \(G'=(V,E-\{e\})\) is disconnected, then \(e\) is essential to make a spanning tree for \(G\).