Dynamic Programming
Activity Scheduling with Profits
- Input: \(A =\{A_1,...,A_n\}\) where \(A_i=(s_i,f_i,w_i)\) where \(w_i\in\mathbb{N}\) is the profit
- Output: \(S\subseteq A, S\) has no conflict and \(w(S)=\sum_{A_i\in S} w_i\) is maximized
- Note that Greedy won't work (finish time, profit, unit-profit)
- Assume the activity are sorted by finish time. Consider \(S^*\) optimal, consider \(A_n\) which is the activity with the largest finishing time.
- If \(A_n\in S^*\), then \(S^*-A_n\) must be optimal for \(A'=\{A_1,...,A_k\}\) where \(k\) is the last activity that does not overlap with \(A_n\), a.k.a. \(\{A_{k+1},...,A_{n-1}\}\) each overlap with \(A_n\)
- If \(A_n\not\in S^*\), then \(S^*\) is optimal for \(A-\{A_n\}\)
- Recursive substructure when an optimal solution of a problem is made up of optimal solutions of the sub-problems.
Recursive Implementation
compute \(P = p[1],...,p[n]\) where \(p[i]=\)index of the last activity that does not overlap with \(A_i\), note \(p[i]\leq i-1\)
for small i
for exponentially many times. THe runtime is exponential only because it is recursive, To solve it - memorization: memorize the output of RecOpt(i) and record for later usage - Instead, compute values bottom-up initialization(A)
OPT = []
OPT[0] = 0
for i in range(1, n):
OPT[i] = max(OPT[i-1], w_i + OPT[p[i]])
return OPT # note that OPT is useful to get S
Dynamic Programming
- For optimization problems where global optimum is obtained from optimum to subproblems
- The subproblems need to be simple Each subproblem can be characterized using a fixed number of indexes or other information
- Subproblem overlap: smaller subproblems repeated in solutions to larger problems
- Understand the recursive structure of the optimum solutions
- Define a table (iterative data structure) to store the optimum value for all subproblems
- Give a recurrence for the table values, with justification
- Write iterative algorithm to compute the value bottom-up (solve the recurrence)
- Use the table values to compute an actual solution
Matrix Chain Multiplication
Input: \((d_0,...,d_n), d_i\in\mathbb{Z}^+\) representing matrix dimensions, since the inner dimension are same, we don't store it twice, a.k.a. \(A_0=[d_0\times d_1], A_1 = [d_1\times d_2],..., A_{n-1}=[d_{n-1}\times d_n]\)
Output: fully parenthesized expression for \(\prod_1^{n-1} A_i\) that minimize total #flips to computer the product
\(A_{1\times 10}, B_{10\times 10}, C_{10\times 100}\) are matrices. We can compute it by \(A(BC)\) or \((AB)C\), note that multiplication are associative. - \(A(BC)\): Consider \(BC\), #flips = \(10^2 \times 100\), then \(A(BC)\) #flips = \(1\times 10\times 100\). sum: \(11,000\) - \((AB)C\): \(AB\): \(1\times 10\times 10 = 100\), \((AB)C=1\times 10\times 100 = 1000\), sum: \(1100\)
- Brutal force # ways to parenthesize is called a Catalan number \(\in\Omega(4^n)\)
- Greedy ? consider input \((10, 1, 10, 100), (1, 10, 100, 1000)\), try greedy strategies and consider the counter example above.
- Recursive Structure:
- imagine OPT, the last product will be like \((A_1\times A_{k-1})\times (A_k\times A_{n-1})\), note the inner product won't influence the number of operations of this product, hence to minimize, the inner product need to be optimal.
- Subproblems will all have the form "find the best parenthesizing of \(A_i\times ...\times A_j, i\leq j\)". Then let \(N[i,j]=\) min #flips required to multiple \(A_i\times ...\times A_j, 0\leq i\leq j\leq n-1\)
- For \(i<j\), for any one pair of parenthesis, the number of operations is \(N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_id_kd_{j+1}\) where \(N(p,q)\) is the min number of operations taken for \(A_p\times...\times A_q\). \(N[i,j]=\min\{N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_id_kd_{j+1}\mid i+1\leq k\leq j\}\)
Table: Consider the table with entry \(N[i,j]\), the matrix is strictly upper triangular (since we can interchange \(i,j\), the lower triangle is not needed), and the diagonal \(N[i,i]\) is filled with \(0\).
Table Implementation
N = empty (n-1)*(n-1) matrix
for i in range(m-1, 0, -1):
N[i,i] = 0
(B[i,i] = -1)
for j in range(i+1, n-1):
N[i,j] = Infinity
(B[i,j] = -1)
for k in range(i+1, j):
if N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_i*d_k*d_j < N[i,j]:
N[i,j] = N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_i*d_k*d_j
(B[i,j] = k)
return N[0, n-1]
- Reconstruct solution:
- Use \(B[i,j] =\) value of \(k\) that makes \(N[i,j] = N[i,k+1] + N[k,j] + d_i d_k d_{j+1}\) and add into the table
- For parenthesis
if i == j:
print 'A_i'
print '(' + paren(B, i, B[i,j]-1) + '*' + paren(B,B[i,j], j) + ')'
Shortest Paths - All-Pairs
- Input: directed \(G=(V,E), w(v)\in \mathbb{Z}\), no cycle with negative weight.
- Output: \(\forall u,v \in V, \min\{w(u\sim v)\mid u\sim v\text{ is a path}\}\)
0. Recursive Structure
Consider a shortest \(u\sim v\) path,let \(k=\) max index of vertices on \(u\sim v\) excluding \(u,v\).
Claim: both \(u\sim k, k\sim v\) are shortest paths with all intermediate vertices \(<k\)
Proof: by contradiction, if \(P_1\) is a shorter path from \(u\) to \(k\), then \(P_1 + k\sim v\) would be shorter than \(u \sim v\), even if \(P_1\) had vertices in common with \(k\sim v\), say vertex \(j\), then \(P_1+ k \sim v\) contains a cycle, by assumption, the cycle must have weight \(\geq 0\), then we have a better path by removing the cycle.
1. Table
\(A[k,u,v]=\) min weight of all \(u\sim v\) using only vertices from \(1,...,k\) as intermediate for \(u,v\in \{1,...,n\}. k\in\{0,...,n\}\)
2. Recurrence
A[0,u,v]= {
0 if u = v,
w(u,v) if u != v (u,v) in E,
Infinity if u != v, (u,v) not in E
for k > 0:
A[k,u,v] = min(
A[k-1,u,v], # don't use k
A[k-1,u,k]+A[k-1,k,v] # use k
3. Iterative (Floyd-Warshall)
for u in range(n):
for v in range(n):
if u == v:
A[0,u,v] = 0
B[0,u,v] = -1 # not exist
elif (u,v) in E:
A[0,u,v] = w(u,v)
B[0,u,v] = 0 # directly
A[0,u,v] = Infinity
B[0,u,v] = -1
for k in range(n):
for u in range(n):
for v in range(n):
if A[k-1, u, k] + A[k-1, k, v] < A[k-1, u, v]
A[k, u, v] = A[k-1, u, k] + A[k-1, k, v]
B[k, u, v] = k
A[k, u, v] = A[k-1, u, v]
B[k, u, v] = B[k-1, u, v]
4. Reconstruct the actual solution
Use \(B[k, u, v]\) to track max vertex on any \(u\sim v\) path that has total weight \(A[k, u, b]\)
In practice, runtime \(\in \Theta(n^3)\), space \(\in\Theta(n^3)\).
To improve the space, notice that \(\forall k, u, v. A[k, u, k] = A[k-1, u, k], A[k ,k, v] = A[k-1, k, v]\). Therefore, we don't need a 3-D array, we can keep updating on a 2-D array. We can simply get rid of all index \(k\), then the body of the triple for loop becomes:
if A[u, k] + A[k, v] < A[u, v]:
A[u, v] = A[u, k] + A[k, v]
B[u, v] = k
# omit the else since nothing changed
Transite Closure
\(G\) directed, \(\forall u,v\in V\) is there a path \(u\sim v\)?
Use adjacency matrix Example let \(A =\)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Note: \(\pi(u,v) = 1\), u is the row index, v is the column index, if \(u\rightarrow v\)
Notice that \(A^2 =\)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Notice that
Each term of the summation above represents one possible path of length \(\leq 2\) between 2 and 4
Trick 1
switch \(\times\rightarrow\land, +\rightarrow\lor\).
Generally, \(A^k[u,v] = \mathbb{I}\) there is some path of length \(\leq k\) from \(u\) to \(v\), wanted \(A^n\) using boolean ops.
Trick 2
square the resulted matrix for each matrix multiplication. \(A^1, A^2, A^4, ..., A^{\lfloor \lg(n) \rfloor^2}\)
if n = 1:
return A
elif n is odd:
return pow(A,floor(n,2))*pow(A,floor(n,2))* A
return pow(A,floor(n,2))*pow(A,floor(n,2))
Trick 3
divide and conquer algorithm for matrix product in \(O(n^{\lg 7})\), then the runtime is \(O(n^{\lg 7}\log n)\in O(n^3)\)
Example Question 1: KnapSack
Given \(W\in\mathbb{Z}^+, I = \{(w_1, v_1),...,(w_n,v_n)\}\), \(w_i,v_i\in\mathbb{Z}^+\). Maximize for set \(S\) s.t. \(\sum_{i\in S} w_i \leq W \land \sum_{i\in S} v_i\) maximized.
Let \(v_k\in S\) having the maximum value, then \(S-\{k\}\) must be the optimal set for \(W-w_k\), otherwise will cause contradiction.
\(T(k, i) =\) maximum value of items with weight \(i\) and item \(1,...,k\).
for i in range(W):
T[0, i] = 0
for i in range(W):
for k in range(n):
T[i, k] = max(T[i - 1, k],
T[i, k - 1])
Example Question 2
Input a list of strictly increasing positive integers \(D=\{d_1,...,d_m\}\), a positive integer \(A\). Output a count set \(C\) of \(D\) s.t. \(\sum_C = A\), or Null if cannot solve
The optimal set either
- includes \(d_m\), then \(T(A, m) = T(A-d_m, m) \cup\{d_m\}\)
- not includes \(d_m\), then \(T(A, m) = T(A, m-1)\)
The relation - \(T(a, 0) = None\) since there's no coin - \(T(0, m) = 0\) since there's no value - \(T(a, m) = T(a, m-1)\) if \(d[m]>a\) - \(T(a, m) = \min\{T(a, m -1), 1 + T(a-d[m], m)\})\)