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Dynamic Programming

Activity Scheduling with Profits

  • Input: \(A =\{A_1,...,A_n\}\) where \(A_i=(s_i,f_i,w_i)\) where \(w_i\in\mathbb{N}\) is the profit
  • Output: \(S\subseteq A, S\) has no conflict and \(w(S)=\sum_{A_i\in S} w_i\) is maximized


  • Note that Greedy won't work (finish time, profit, unit-profit)
  • Assume the activity are sorted by finish time. Consider \(S^*\) optimal, consider \(A_n\) which is the activity with the largest finishing time.
  • If \(A_n\in S^*\), then \(S^*-A_n\) must be optimal for \(A'=\{A_1,...,A_k\}\) where \(k\) is the last activity that does not overlap with \(A_n\), a.k.a. \(\{A_{k+1},...,A_{n-1}\}\) each overlap with \(A_n\)
  • If \(A_n\not\in S^*\), then \(S^*\) is optimal for \(A-\{A_n\}\)
  • Recursive substructure when an optimal solution of a problem is made up of optimal solutions of the sub-problems.

Recursive Implementation

initialization(A) compute \(P = p[1],...,p[n]\) where \(p[i]=\)index of the last activity that does not overlap with \(A_i\), note \(p[i]\leq i-1\)

P = initialization(A)
return RecOpt(n, P)

RecOpt(n, P)
if n = 0;
    return 0
return max(RecOpt(n-1), w_n + RecOpt(p[n]))
Note that the runtime has combinatorial explosion due to the repeated calls of RecOpt(i) for small i for exponentially many times. THe runtime is exponential only because it is recursive, To solve it - memorization: memorize the output of RecOpt(i) and record for later usage - Instead, compute values bottom-up

OPT = []
OPT[0] = 0
for i in range(1, n):
    OPT[i] = max(OPT[i-1], w_i + OPT[p[i]])
return OPT # note that OPT is useful to get S

Dynamic Programming

  • For optimization problems where global optimum is obtained from optimum to subproblems
  • The subproblems need to be simple Each subproblem can be characterized using a fixed number of indexes or other information
  • Subproblem overlap: smaller subproblems repeated in solutions to larger problems


  1. Understand the recursive structure of the optimum solutions
  2. Define a table (iterative data structure) to store the optimum value for all subproblems
  3. Give a recurrence for the table values, with justification
  4. Write iterative algorithm to compute the value bottom-up (solve the recurrence)
  5. Use the table values to compute an actual solution

Matrix Chain Multiplication

Input: \((d_0,...,d_n), d_i\in\mathbb{Z}^+\) representing matrix dimensions, since the inner dimension are same, we don't store it twice, a.k.a. \(A_0=[d_0\times d_1], A_1 = [d_1\times d_2],..., A_{n-1}=[d_{n-1}\times d_n]\)
Output: fully parenthesized expression for \(\prod_1^{n-1} A_i\) that minimize total #flips to computer the product


\(A_{1\times 10}, B_{10\times 10}, C_{10\times 100}\) are matrices. We can compute it by \(A(BC)\) or \((AB)C\), note that multiplication are associative. - \(A(BC)\): Consider \(BC\), #flips = \(10^2 \times 100\), then \(A(BC)\) #flips = \(1\times 10\times 100\). sum: \(11,000\) - \((AB)C\): \(AB\): \(1\times 10\times 10 = 100\), \((AB)C=1\times 10\times 100 = 1000\), sum: \(1100\)


  • Brutal force # ways to parenthesize is called a Catalan number \(\in\Omega(4^n)\)
  • Greedy ? consider input \((10, 1, 10, 100), (1, 10, 100, 1000)\), try greedy strategies and consider the counter example above.


  1. Recursive Structure:
  2. imagine OPT, the last product will be like \((A_1\times A_{k-1})\times (A_k\times A_{n-1})\), note the inner product won't influence the number of operations of this product, hence to minimize, the inner product need to be optimal.
  3. Subproblems will all have the form "find the best parenthesizing of \(A_i\times ...\times A_j, i\leq j\)". Then let \(N[i,j]=\) min #flips required to multiple \(A_i\times ...\times A_j, 0\leq i\leq j\leq n-1\)
  4. For \(i<j\), for any one pair of parenthesis, the number of operations is \(N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_id_kd_{j+1}\) where \(N(p,q)\) is the min number of operations taken for \(A_p\times...\times A_q\). \(N[i,j]=\min\{N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_id_kd_{j+1}\mid i+1\leq k\leq j\}\)
  5. Table: Consider the table with entry \(N[i,j]\), the matrix is strictly upper triangular (since we can interchange \(i,j\), the lower triangle is not needed), and the diagonal \(N[i,i]\) is filled with \(0\).

  6. Table Implementation

N = empty (n-1)*(n-1) matrix
for i in range(m-1, 0, -1):
    N[i,i] = 0
    (B[i,i] = -1)
    for j in range(i+1, n-1):
        N[i,j] = Infinity
        (B[i,j] = -1)
    for k in range(i+1, j):
        if N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_i*d_k*d_j < N[i,j]:
            N[i,j] = N[i,k-1] + N[k,j] + d_i*d_k*d_j
            (B[i,j] = k)
return N[0, n-1]
  • Reconstruct solution:
    • Use \(B[i,j] =\) value of \(k\) that makes \(N[i,j] = N[i,k+1] + N[k,j] + d_i d_k d_{j+1}\) and add into the table
    • For parenthesis
if i == j:
    print 'A_i'
    print '(' + paren(B, i, B[i,j]-1) + '*' + paren(B,B[i,j], j) + ')'

Shortest Paths - All-Pairs

  • Input: directed \(G=(V,E), w(v)\in \mathbb{Z}\), no cycle with negative weight.
  • Output: \(\forall u,v \in V, \min\{w(u\sim v)\mid u\sim v\text{ is a path}\}\)


0. Recursive Structure

Consider a shortest \(u\sim v\) path,let \(k=\) max index of vertices on \(u\sim v\) excluding \(u,v\).
Claim: both \(u\sim k, k\sim v\) are shortest paths with all intermediate vertices \(<k\)
Proof: by contradiction, if \(P_1\) is a shorter path from \(u\) to \(k\), then \(P_1 + k\sim v\) would be shorter than \(u \sim v\), even if \(P_1\) had vertices in common with \(k\sim v\), say vertex \(j\), then \(P_1+ k \sim v\) contains a cycle, by assumption, the cycle must have weight \(\geq 0\), then we have a better path by removing the cycle.

1. Table

\(A[k,u,v]=\) min weight of all \(u\sim v\) using only vertices from \(1,...,k\) as intermediate for \(u,v\in \{1,...,n\}. k\in\{0,...,n\}\)

2. Recurrence

recurrence relationship
A[0,u,v]= { 
    0         if u = v, 
    w(u,v)    if u != v (u,v) in E,
    Infinity  if u != v, (u,v) not in E

for k > 0
    A[k,u,v] = min(
        A[k-1,u,v], # don't use k
        A[k-1,u,k]+A[k-1,k,v] # use k

3. Iterative (Floyd-Warshall)

DP construction
for u in range(n):
    for v in range(n):
        if u == v: 
            A[0,u,v] = 0
            B[0,u,v] = -1 # not exist
        elif (u,v) in E:
            A[0,u,v] = w(u,v)
            B[0,u,v] = 0 # directly
            A[0,u,v] = Infinity
            B[0,u,v] = -1

for k in range(n):
    for u in range(n):
        for v in range(n):
            if A[k-1, u, k] + A[k-1, k, v] < A[k-1, u, v] 
                A[k, u, v] = A[k-1, u, k] + A[k-1, k, v] 
                B[k, u, v] = k
                A[k, u, v] = A[k-1, u, v]
                B[k, u, v] = B[k-1, u, v]

4. Reconstruct the actual solution

Use \(B[k, u, v]\) to track max vertex on any \(u\sim v\) path that has total weight \(A[k, u, b]\)

Path(u,v, B, n):
    find the intermediate index
    recursively find the weights


In practice, runtime \(\in \Theta(n^3)\), space \(\in\Theta(n^3)\).
To improve the space, notice that \(\forall k, u, v. A[k, u, k] = A[k-1, u, k], A[k ,k, v] = A[k-1, k, v]\). Therefore, we don't need a 3-D array, we can keep updating on a 2-D array. We can simply get rid of all index \(k\), then the body of the triple for loop becomes:

if A[u, k] + A[k, v] < A[u, v]:
    A[u, v] = A[u, k] + A[k, v] 
    B[u, v] = k
# omit the else since nothing changed
The space then is \(O(n^2)\)

Transite Closure

\(G\) directed, \(\forall u,v\in V\) is there a path \(u\sim v\)?


Use adjacency matrix Example let \(A =\)

1 2 3 4
1 1 0 0 1
2 1 1 0 0
3 1 1 1 0
4 0 0 0 1

Note: \(\pi(u,v) = 1\), u is the row index, v is the column index, if \(u\rightarrow v\)

Notice that \(A^2 =\)

1 2 3 4
1 1 0 0 2
2 2 1 0 1
3 3 2 1 1
4 0 0 0 1

Notice that

\[A^2[2,4]=\sum_{i=1}^4 A[2,i]\times A[i,4]\]

Each term of the summation above represents one possible path of length \(\leq 2\) between 2 and 4

Trick 1

switch \(\times\rightarrow\land, +\rightarrow\lor\).
Generally, \(A^k[u,v] = \mathbb{I}\) there is some path of length \(\leq k\) from \(u\) to \(v\), wanted \(A^n\) using boolean ops.

Trick 2

square the resulted matrix for each matrix multiplication. \(A^1, A^2, A^4, ..., A^{\lfloor \lg(n) \rfloor^2}\)


pow(A, n)
if n = 1: 
    return A
elif n is odd:
    return pow(A,floor(n,2))*pow(A,floor(n,2))* A
    return pow(A,floor(n,2))*pow(A,floor(n,2))
Runtime \(O(n^3\log n)\)

Trick 3

divide and conquer algorithm for matrix product in \(O(n^{\lg 7})\), then the runtime is \(O(n^{\lg 7}\log n)\in O(n^3)\)

Example Question 1: KnapSack

Given \(W\in\mathbb{Z}^+, I = \{(w_1, v_1),...,(w_n,v_n)\}\), \(w_i,v_i\in\mathbb{Z}^+\). Maximize for set \(S\) s.t. \(\sum_{i\in S} w_i \leq W \land \sum_{i\in S} v_i\) maximized.


Let \(v_k\in S\) having the maximum value, then \(S-\{k\}\) must be the optimal set for \(W-w_k\), otherwise will cause contradiction.


\(T(k, i) =\) maximum value of items with weight \(i\) and item \(1,...,k\).

for i in range(W):
    T[0, i] = 0
for i in range(W):
    for k in range(n):
        T[i, k] = max(T[i - 1, k], 
                      T[i, k - 1])

Example Question 2

Input a list of strictly increasing positive integers \(D=\{d_1,...,d_m\}\), a positive integer \(A\). Output a count set \(C\) of \(D\) s.t. \(\sum_C = A\), or Null if cannot solve


The optimal set either

  • includes \(d_m\), then \(T(A, m) = T(A-d_m, m) \cup\{d_m\}\)
  • not includes \(d_m\), then \(T(A, m) = T(A, m-1)\)

The relation - \(T(a, 0) = None\) since there's no coin - \(T(0, m) = 0\) since there's no value - \(T(a, m) = T(a, m-1)\) if \(d[m]>a\) - \(T(a, m) = \min\{T(a, m -1), 1 + T(a-d[m], m)\})\)