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OpenMP - For Loop, Sections, Tasks

For Loops in Concurrent Tasks

From the dot product example, we see that we manually partition the for loop using thread number and thread id.

Such partitioning can be done by

/* pragma omp for must be immediately before the for loop
#pragma omp parallel [clause list] {
    /* ... */
    #pragma omp for [clause list]
    for (init; test; update) {
        /* loop body */
    /* ... */

Restrictions on for loop

Therefore several restrictions on the for loop to be parallelized by omp

// for (init_expr, test_expr, update_expr)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    /* body */

  • init_expr must be integer type and must be an integer assignment
  • test_expr must be a <, >, <=, >= expr
  • update_expr must be integer increments
  • body cannot have break

For loop Clauses

The clause list includes

  • private(var), firstprivate(var) as parallel directive
  • lastprivate(var) only in for, sections, set variable to the thread that execute the last iteration or last section
  • reduction(op: var) as parallel directive
  • schedule(cls[, param]) specify how the for loop should be divided, more on schedule section
  • nowait only in for, sections, no barrier/sync after the for loop
  • ordered only in for, block of code that must be executed in sequential order
    tid  List of     Timeline
    0    0,1,2       ==o==o==o
    1    3,4,5       ==.......o==o==o
    2    6,7,8       ==..............o==o==o

Parallel For

We can combine #pragma omp parallel with #pragma omp for as

#pragma omp parallel for [clause list]
where clause list is the union of parallel and for.
Note that the scope clauses private, default(none), default(shared) will not impact the behavior of loop counter.

Loop counter and loop carried dependence

Note that #pragma omp for will make loop index private by default, and assign new values and conditions. Thus, for correctness, there should be no loop carried dependence in loop body. For example,

int j = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    // j is increment in each iteration
    j += 2;
    A[i] = b[j];

/* j is loop dependent, 
   adding omp for directly will be incorrect
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    // j is increment in each iteration
    int j = 5 + 2 * (i + 1);
    A[i] = b[j];

schedule: Ways to assign iterations

The schedule clause is of the form schedule(cls[, param])

where cls is of static, dynamic, guided, runtime

Static schedule(static, S)

Split iterations into equal chunks of size S, assign to thread round-robin. If S is not specified, S = N / nthreads (uniform data partition model)

/* the following 2 are the same, each thread gets
T0: [0: 256]  T1: [256: 512]  T2: [512: 768]  T3: [768: 1024]
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(4)
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 256) num_threads(4)
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)

/* If chunk size is smaller 
T0: [0:128], [512:640]
T1: [128:256], [640:768]
T2: [256:384], [768:896]
T3: [384:512], [896:1024]
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 128) num_threads(4)
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)

Dynamic schedule(dynamic, S)

Split iterations into equal chunks of size S, assign to thread when it is idle. If S is not specified, S = 1. (Work pool model)

Often has better load balance if the amount of work is uneven among iterations. However, it has more overhead due to dynamic nature.

Also, tradeoffs between chunk size and dynamic scheduling overhead. Larger chunk size may cause huge load imbalance (think of 20 chunks, 16 threads).

Guided schedule(guided, S)

Dynamic scheduling, but instead of constant chunk size, it starts with a large chunk size and gets smaller as computation progresses, if loads gets imbalanced.

S is the minimum size, if not specified, then S = 1.

Runtime schedule(runtime)

Delay until runtime, by passing env variable OMP_SHEDULE to the program


If no schedule type is identified (either as clause or at runtime), the runtime system will choose the most appropriate schedule (depends on OS/hardware).

nowait clause

Each omp for will have a implicit barrier, using nowait can cancel the wait behavior.

Sections and Tasks

In the for loop, each iteration of chunk of iterations have the same work. We can have similar kinds of parallelism with different tasks, using sections.


#pragma omp parallel {
    #pragma omp sections [clauses] {
        #pragma omp section {
            // task 1
        #pragma omp section {
            // task 2
        /* ... */
        #pragma omp section {
            // task n

// similar to for, it can be merged into
#pragma omp parallel sections [clauses]
clauses list includes private, firstprivate, lastprivate, reduction, nowait.
sections behaves similar to for, it will have an implicit barrier (hence nowait).


Another way is to use task, it is similar to section, but won't put barrier. For sync/barrier, we use taskwait.

#pragma omp parallel {
    #pragma omp task [clauses] {
      // task 1
    #pragma omp task [clauses] {
      // task 2
    /* ... */
    #pragma omp task [clauses] {
      // task n

Note that omp task generates a task whenever a thread encounters it, and the task can be executed immediate or deferred. A deferred task is not necessarily executed by the thread that creates it. Andtaskwait will wait for all task generated by the thread.

With such properties, task are designed and mostly used for recursive decompositions. Where a single thread enters the function, generates new tasks when encounter the omp task clause, and then taskwait all generated task to be finished.

// parallel recursive fibonacci implementation
int fib(int n) {
    int x, y;
    if (n < 2) return n;

    // x, y are local to the thread executing fib
    // but they have to be shared on recursive child tasks
    // further generated
    #pragma omp task shared(x)
    x = fib(n-1);
    #pragma omp task shared(y)
    y = fib(n-2);
    // wait for recursive calls and collect results
    #pragma omp taskwait

    return x + y;

int main() {
    int M = 5000;
    #pragma omp parallel {
        // single thread to enter the function call
        // other threads created by parallel will 
        // execute the tasks generated
        #pragma omp single