Relational Algebra
Example schema will be used for examples
- Relations: Movies(mID, title, director, year, length); Artists(aID, aName, nationality); Roles(mID, aID, character)
- Foreign key constraints: Roles[mID]\(\subseteq\) Movies[mID]; Roles[aID]\(\subseteq\) Artists[aID]
Relational algebra
- The value of any expression is a relation
- Assumptions
- Relations as sets (without duplicated rows)
- Every cell has a value
- Operands: tables
- Operator examples:
- Choose only the rows wanted
- Choose only the columns wanted
- combine tables
Select Rows
\(\sigma_c(R)\): \(R\) table, \(c\) boolean expression
- The result is a relation with the same schema but with only the tuples satisfy \(c\)
- Select all British actors \(\sigma_{\text{nationality = 'British'}}(Actors)\)
- Select all movies from 1970s \(\sigma_{1970\leq year\leq 1979}(Movies)\)
\(\Pi_c(R)\) slice vertically
- onto fewer attributes can remove key that makes duplicates possible, whenever duplicates happens, only one copy of each is kept
- To perform multiple query together Example: find the names of all directors of movies from the 1970s \(\pi_{director}(\sigma_{1970 <year<=1979}(Movies))\)
Cartesian Product
\(R_1\times R_2\) map two relations to a new relation with every combination of a tuple from \(R_1\) concatenated to a tuple from \(R_2\)
- Resulted schema is every attribute from \(R_1\) followed by \(R_2\) in order
- The resulted relation have \(R_1.cardinality|\times R_2.cardinality\) tuples
Natural join
\(R_1\bowtie R_2\) take the Cartesian product and select rows with the same attribute and value that are in both relation to ensure equality on attributes, then project to remove duplicate attributes
- Natural join is commutative and associative
Theta Join
\(R_1\bowtie_{c} R_2:= \sigma_c{R\times S}\)
\(R:= Expression\) or \(R(A_1,...,A_n):=Expression\), the second way allows to rename all the attributes
- \(R\) must be temporary and not one of the relations in the schema, it should not be updated
\(\rho_{R_1}(R_2)\) or \(\rho_{R_1(A_1,...,A_n)}(R_2)\) renames the relation. Note that \(R_1:=\rho_{R_1(A_1,...,A_n)}(R_2)\) is equivalent to \(R_1(A_1,...,A_n):=R_2\)
\(R/S:=\) the largest relation \(Q\) s.t. \(Q\times S\subseteq R\). the operation will return a relation will all the attributes in \(R\) that's not in \(S\) and all tuples in \(R\) that match every tuple in \(S\)