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Permutation Matrices

Has exactly one \(1\) in each row and all others are \(0\) and the same for each column. i.e. a permutation of rows/columns of \(I\).

If we want to interchange column 1 and column J, then let \(E_{ij}\) denote the zero matrix with the \(ij\)'s entry be \(1\).

\[\begin{align*} P &= I - (e_i - e_j)(e_i-e_j)^T\\ &= I - (e_ie_i^T - e_ie_j^T - e_je_i^T + e_je_j^T)\\ &= I - E_{11} + E_{1j} + E_{j1} - E_{jj} \end{align*}\]

Is a identity matrix that interchange rows \(i,j\).

So that \(PA\) interchanges row of \(A\) and \(AP\) interchanges column of \(A\)

A permutation matrix is non-singular and \(P^{-1} = P^T\)

\(P\) is closed under multiplications:
By definition, there is only one \(1\) on each row and column of \(P_1\), so that consider \(P_2\), which only interchanges rows, and the resulted matrix will still have only one \(1\) on each row, and since columns are not interchanged, the property of permutation is maintained.

Pivoting (Row partial pivoting)


Consider \(A =\begin{bmatrix}\epsilon&1\\1&1\end{bmatrix}, \epsilon\) is small, \(b = \begin{bmatrix}1\\2\end{bmatrix}\). Then the multiplier \(m_{21} = \epsilon^{-1}\).
The decomposition \(L = \begin{bmatrix}1&0\\\epsilon^{-1}&1\end{bmatrix}, U = \begin{bmatrix}\epsilon&1\\0&1-\epsilon^{-1}\end{bmatrix}\).
However, if \(\epsilon\) is very small, \(\epsilon^{-1}\) is extremely large and \(U\rightarrow \tilde U =\begin{bmatrix}\epsilon&1\\0&-\epsilon^{-1}\end{bmatrix}\), and \(L\tilde U = \begin{bmatrix}\epsilon&1\\1&0\end{bmatrix}\)

Note that \(A^{-1} = (-1+\epsilon)^{-1} \begin{bmatrix}1&-1\\-1&\epsilon\end{bmatrix}, \tilde A = L\tilde U = -1\begin{bmatrix}0&-1\\-1&\epsilon\end{bmatrix}\). If we want to solve
\(Ax = [1,2]^T, x = A^{-1}b\approx [1,1]^T, \tilde x = \tilde A^{-1}b \approx [2, 1]^T\)

However, if \(A = \begin{bmatrix} 1&1\\ \epsilon&1 \end{bmatrix}, b = \begin{bmatrix}2\\1\end{bmatrix}\Rightarrow m_{21} =\epsilon, M_1 = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0\\ -\epsilon&1 \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow U = \begin{bmatrix} 1&1\\ 0&1 \end{bmatrix}, M_1 b = \begin{bmatrix} 2\\1 \end{bmatrix}, x = [1,1]^{-1}\)


Searching first column for element of largest magnitude

\[A_{J\cdot}, J = arg\max_{1\leq j \leq n}\{|a_{j1}|\}\]

Then use a permutation matrix \(P_1\) to interchange \(A_J\cdot\) with \(A_1\cdot\) and calculate \(M_1\) so that \(|m_{i1}|\leq 1\)
So that we can do such recursively on \(A_{1:n\times 1:n}\) and so on

Therefore, we have \(M_{n-1}P_{n-1}...M_1P_1A\)

Decompose pivoted matrix

Consider \(MPA = U\Rightarrow PA = M^{-1}U\), since the pivot, all \(m_{ij}\leq 1\) so that \(L\) has all the lower triangular entries be \(|L_{ij}|\leq 1\)

Solving linear systems

Given \(Ax =b\), since \(P\) is non-singular \(PAx = Pb\), Let \(\hat b = Pb, LU x = \hat b\), and we solve it as before.


\[A = \begin{bmatrix}-2&10&1\\1&-4&2\\4&-8&4\end{bmatrix}, b = \begin{bmatrix}4\\3\\1\end{bmatrix}\]

Let \(P_1 = \begin{bmatrix}0&0&1\\0&1&0\\1&0&0\end{bmatrix}, P_1A = \begin{bmatrix}4&-8&4\\1&-4&2\\-2&10&1\end{bmatrix}, M_1 = \begin{bmatrix}1&0&0\\-1/4&1&0\\1/2&0&1\end{bmatrix}, M_1P_1A = \begin{bmatrix}4&-8&4\\0&-2&1\\0&6&3\end{bmatrix}\)
\(P_2 = \begin{bmatrix}0&1\\1&0\end{bmatrix}, M_2=\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\1/3&1\end{bmatrix}, M_2P_2M_1P_1A = \begin{bmatrix}4&-8&4\\0&6&3\\0&0&2\end{bmatrix} = U\)

Finding PA = LU

Noting that \(P_{k+1}M_k \neq M_kP_{k+1}\), but suppose we have \(P_{k+1}M_k = \hat M_k P_{k+1}\), then we can have

\[M_nP_n...M_1P_1A = b \Rightarrow P_n...P_1A = \hat M_1^{-1}...\hat M^{-1}_n b\]

Since \(P^T = P^{-1}, P_2M_1P_2^T = \hat M_1 P_2P_2^T = \hat M_1P_2P_2^{-1} = \hat M_1\)

\[\hat M_1 = P_2(I-m_1e_1^T)P_2^T = P_2P_2^T - P_2m_1e_1^TP_2^T = I - (P_2m_1)(P_2e_1)^T\]

By the design of the algorithm, \(P_2\) will not interchange the first columns, hence \(P_2e_1 = e_1\), but \(P_2m_1\) will interchange the multipliers, let \(\hat m_1 = P_2m_1\).

Also, consider the intuition behind: \(M_1P_2^T\) only change \([2:n]\) columns, which does not touch the first column (\(m\)'s), \(P_2M_1\) cannot change the first row, but the order of \(m\)'s. Then consider \(M_1[2:n, 2:n] = I_{(n-1)\times (n-1)}\), there's only \(1\) on the diagonal, interchanging \(i,j\) row plus interchanging \(i,j\) column will just swap them back. Therefore, the only change thing is the order of \(m\)'s, i.e. \(m_i, m_j\) are swapped.

Therefore, because \(m_1e_1^Tm_2e_2^T = 0\) (see notes on LU decomposition)

\[\hat M_1^{-1} = I + \hat m_1e_1^T, M_1^{-1}M_2^{-1} = (I + \hat m_1e_1^T)(I + \hat m_2e_2^T) = I + \hat m_1e_1^T + \hat m_2e_2^T\]

Therefore, \(L = I + \sum \hat m_k e_k^T, P = \prod P_k\)

Solving system of linear equations

Let \(\hat b = Pb\), since we have computed \(PA=LU, PAx = Pb\Rightarrow LUx = \hat b\Rightarrow Ly = \hat b\)

You can just store \(P\) as a vector form, and we know we only need to interchange \((n-1)\) times.

Find Determinant

Note that \(P_k\) is either identity or interchange two rows, \(\det(I)=1\), but if we interchange two rows \(\det(P_k)=-1\). Considered the matrix where the interchanged 1's are on the corner, for such matrix, determinant is \(-1\) and for the other parts, it's \(1\).

\[\begin{align*} \det(PA) &= \det(LU)\\ \det(P)\det(A)&=\det(L)\det(U)\\ \det(A) &= \det(P)^{-1}{\det(L)\det(U)}\\ &=\det(P)^{-1}[1][\prod_i^n u_{kk}]\\ &= \prod_i^n u_{kk} * (-1)^{\text{number of interchanges} \% 2} \end{align*}\]

Computation Time

Consider \(A_{n\times n}\)

  • Find the largest magnitude in the first column takes \(n\) comparisons
  • Swap the two rows takes \(n\) swaps.
  • Then we are doing the normal Gaussian elimination steps, which takes \(n-1\) divisions and \((n-1)^2\) addition and multiplications.

Notice that the next stage will just work recursively on \(A_{n-1\times n-1}\). Therefore, the total comparisons and swaps will be \(\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\), Gaussian elimination takes \(\frac{n^3}{3} + O(n^2)\)

Solving x

Then consider \(Ux = Lb\) - Since \(P\) matrix only swaps, each \(P_i\) takes 1 swap - \(M_i\) takes \((n-i)\) adds and multiplications

Therefore, the total computation takes \(\frac{n^2 - n}{2}\) adds and multiplications and \((n-1)\) swaps.