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Image Matting

Alpha Channel

Alpha channel is pixel "transparency" \(\alpha\in [0, 1]\)

When representing RGBA pixel as RGB, we calculate the alpha composite

\[C = \alpha_F C_F + (1-\alpha_F)C_B\]

where \(F:=\) foreground, \(B:=\)background

Matting Problem

We want to extract all the foreground pixels \(F = [F_r, F_g, F_b]\) and matte \(\alpha\), Given \(B=[B_r, B_g, B_n], C=[C_r, C_g, C_b]\)
Therefore, for each pixel, the equation is

\[C_{r,g,b}=\alpha F_{r,g,b} + (1-\alpha)B_{r,g,b}\]

Which are 3 equations and 7 unknowns

Methods to solve Matting equation

Known Background

If \(B\) is known, and given there is no semi-transparency, i.e. \(\alpha = \mathbb I(C=B)\) Therefore, we reduce \(4\) unknowns


Background must be known accurately, and constant
Foreground subject cannot be similar to the background
\(\alpha\) is either 0 or 1, hence no semi-transparency

Blue Screen Matting

Assume background contains only blue, i.e. \(B = [0, 0, B_b]\), then

\[C_r = aF_r, C_g = aF_g, C_b = (1-a)B_b\]


You cannot have any blue channel in the foreground, which is almost impossible. Also, "blue/green spilling" will have blue light reflected, make components blue

Gray or Skin Colored Foreground

Constant, one-channel color background, and assume foreground color is proportional, such as gray \(F:= [d, d, d]\), flesh\(F:=[d, d/2, d/2]\). Then,

\[C_r = aF, C_g = aF, C_b = aF + (1-a)B_v\]

The assumption is too strong

Triangulation Matting

If there are two different background, with the same lighting and position, let the two backgrounds be \(B_0, B_1\), then

\[C_0 = aF + (1-a)B_0, C_1 = aF + (1-a)B_1\]

We have 6 equations, 4 unknowns

Then, to solve such system of equations, we can use a sparse matrix

\[\begin{bmatrix}C_{0,r}\\C_{0,g}\\C_{0,b}\\C_{1,r}\\C_{1,g}\\C_{1,b}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}1&0&0&B_{0,r}\\0&1&0&B_{0,g}\\0&0&1&B_{0,b}\\1&0&0&B_{1,r}\\0&1&0&B_{1,g}\\0&0&1&B_{1,b} \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}F_r\\F_g\\R_b\\\alpha\end{bmatrix}\]
\[b = Ax\]

So that we can approximate using psurdo-inverse, \(x = (A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb\)