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The focal point \(f = \lim_{d\rightarrow\infty} u\) where
\(f\) is the focal length
\(d\) is the distance of the object from the lens
\(u\) is the distance of the image plane

Thin lens law \(f^{-1} = u^{-1} + d^{-1}\)

Depth of Field

Range of distances where blur < 1 sensor pixel.

\(DOF \approx \frac{2u^2 NC}{f^2}\) where
\(C=\) given circle of confusion (pixel size)
\(f=\) focal length
\(N=\) f-stop
\(u=\) subject distance

Typically, callphone camera has wider-angle lens (short focal length), hence larger DoF. Therefore, it can capture all objects in different distance, and then fake the blur by algorithm

Camera controls

Aperture expressed as \(D:=f/N\),the relative size of the area in which light is collected through the lens

Shutter speed \(\Delta t\), the duration of the exposure, often expressed as fractions of a second

DoF vs. Aperture and Shutter Speed

The capture photons \(\propto D^2 \Delta t\)
The number of photons captured will influence the exposure.

Also, consider DoF,
\(D = f/N\uparrow \Rightarrow DOF\downarrow\)

ISO film speed

The sensitivity of film/sensor to light

Given exposure (\(D^2\Delta t\)) being constant, \(ISO\uparrow\Rightarrow brightness\uparrow\)

Color image

All sensor pixels have same response curve, i.e. monochromatic and can only accepts intensity. To obtain a colored image, typically each pixel will be made to be sensitive or one of RGB by filters, typically 25% R, 25% B, 50% G. And full-color images can be obtained by demosaicing each pixel with missing RGB.

Steps of image formation

Photons to Digital Numbers (Linear operations)

radiant power from scene Arriving photons causes photo-electrons and the charge accumulates are more photons hits the photo-diode.

The radiant power

\[\Phi = \int_{q} \int_\lambda H(\bar{q}, \lambda) S(\bar{q}) Q(\lambda)d\bar{q} d\lambda\]

\(\bar q =\) pixel footprint
\(\lambda =\) wave length
\(H=\) incidcent spectral irrandiance (the flux that can be received per/at that surface per/at that wavelength)
\(S=\) spatial response (the sensitivity of the sensor to radiation from different directions)
\(Q=\) quantum device efficiency (electrons that can be collected per incident photon at given wavelength)

Exposure After exposure time, amplifier converts charge to measurable voltage

  • With the exposure time \(\Delta t\), now the total illuminance/irradiance is \(\Phi\Delta t\)
  • At same time, black level, a non-photoelextric current from photo diode, \(I_0\) is added, to make the least black level. The result is \(\Phi \Delta t + I_0\)

Sensor saturation The current cannot exceed saturation current a set-maximum non-discarded current from photodiode
- $I_m = $ saturation current, adjust the voltage by \(\min(\Phi\Delta t + I_0, I_m)\)

Gain factor Apply an amplifier gain \(g\), which is controlled by ISO (the larger \(g\) the darker the darker) - the result will be \(\frac{\min(\Phi\Delta t + I_0, I_m)}{g}\)
- Since digital numbers is discrete, apply a flooring function \(\lfloor\frac{\min(\Phi\Delta t + I_0, I_m)}{g}\rfloor\)


\[DN = \lfloor\frac{\min(\Phi\Delta t + I_0, I_m)}{g}\rfloor\]

And for the whole process, the relationship is linear

Gamma correction (camera response function)

Since human visual system doesn't have a linear response to light, DNs are passed through a gamma function to compensate, such function is \(f(DN) := \beta(DN)^{1/\gamma}\) where \(\beta, \gamma\) are constants that varies among different manufactures.

Image Noise

Defocus Blur
when the scene points of interest are "out of focus" and not within the DoF

Motion Blur
Camera moves significantly during exposure time
More like with long exposures and long focal length (zooming in)

Pixel noise
Incorrect exposure, not enough photons reaching sensor
High ISO (gain) causes noise

Rolling shutter wiki
When captured by scanning across the scene rapidly

Sources of Noise

radiant power from scene

Dark Current Noise

  • free electrons due to thermal energy, depends on temperature
  • \(\sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda = D\Delta t), D:=\)thermal electron rate \((e^-/sec)\)


Photon (Shot) Noise

  • \(\sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda = \Phi\Delta t )\)
    \(P_\lambda(\text{k events in }\Delta t) = \frac{\lambda ^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!}\), i.e. \(P(\text{\#received photons}=k)= \frac{\Phi\Delta t ^k e^{-\Phi\Delta t}}{k!}\)
  • Largest source of noise for high exposures
  • For large \(\Phi\Delta t\), by LLN, we can approximate by \(\text{Poisson}(\lambda)\approx N(\lambda, \sqrt \lambda)\)

Sensor saturation

Readout Noise

  • \(\sim N(0, \sigma_r)\), \(\sigma_r\) depends on characteristics of electronics

Gain factor

Amplifier, ADC, and Quantization Noise

  • \(\sim N(0, \sigma_{ADC})\)
  • The amplifier noise is dependent on \(g\), i.e. gain or ISO.
  • Largest source of noise for low exposures

Put all Noises Together

Since all four types of noise are independent of each other,

\[\begin{align*} E(e^-) &=&\text{Black level} + &\text{dark current} + &\text{photon noise}\\ &= \min\{&I_0 + &D\Delta t + &\Phi\Delta t, I_m\}\\ \end{align*}\]
\[\begin{align*} var(e^-) &= \text{dark current} &+ \text{photon noise} &+ \text{black level} &+ \text{readout noise} &+ \text{ADC noise}\\ var(e^-) &= D\Delta t &+ \phi\Delta t &+ I_0 &+ \sigma_r^2 &+ \sigma^2_{ADC} g^2 \end{align*}\]

\(E(DN) = \min\{\frac{I_0 + D\Delta t + \Phi\Delta t}{g}, \frac{I_m}{g}\}\)
\(var(DN) = \frac{D\Delta t + \phi\Delta t + I_0 + \sigma_r^2}{g^2} + \sigma^2_{ADC} g^2\)

Signal-to-noise ratio \(SNR = 10\log_{10} \frac{E(DN)^2}{var(DN)}\)