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Linear Regression

Modular approach of a question

  • Choose a model describing the relationships between variables of interest
  • loss function quantifying how bad is the fit
  • regularizer saying how much we prefer different candidate explanations
  • fit the model using an optimization algorithm

For supervised learning
Given: target \(t\in\mathcal T\) (response, outcome, output, class)
features \(x\in\mathcal X\) (inputs, covariates, design)
Objective to learn a function \(f:\mathcal X \rightarrow \mathcal T\) .s.t. \(t\approx y = f(x)\)

Linear Regression


\[y = f(\vec x) = \sum_{j} w_j x_j +b\]

where \(\vec x\) is the input, \(y\) is prediction, \(\vec w\) is wights, \(b\) is the bias
\(\vec w, b\) are the parameters

In matrix form
\(y = XW\) where

\[ X= \begin{bmatrix} 1&[x^{(1)}]^T\\ ...&...\\ 1&[x^{(D)}]^T \end{bmatrix}, W = \begin{bmatrix}b&w_1&w_2&...&w_D\end{bmatrix}^T\]

Loss Function (Squared error)

\(\mathcal L(y, t) = \frac{(y-t)^2}{2}\) where \(y-t\) is the residual and \(\frac{1}{2}\) is just to make the calculations convenient.

Therefore, define cost function to be the average over all training examples

\[\mathcal J(\vec w, b) = \frac{\sum^N (y^{(i)}- t^{(i)})^2}{2} = \frac{1}{2} \sum^N (\vec w^T \vec x^{(i)} + b - t^{(i)})^2\]

To minimize the loss/cost, calculate \(\partial_{w_j} \mathcal J := 0, \forall j \in \{0,1,2,.., N\}, w_0 = b\)
The resulted

\[\vec w^{L.S.} = (X^TX)^{-1}X^Tt\]

Improving model: Polynomial curve fitting

Consider feature mapping \(\psi(x):\mathbb R^D\rightarrow \mathbb R^M\), for example \(x\in\mathbb R, \psi(x) = [1, x, x^2]^T\), so that we get a new \(\vec x'\) and can be used into fit

Underfit and Overfit

Underfit: model is too simple to fit the data
Overfit: too complex so that fit the data perfectly

Improving model: L2 Regularization

A function that quantifies how much we prefer one hypothesis vs. another

We encourage the weights to be small by choosing as our regularizer the \(L^2\) penalty \(\mathcal R(\vec w) := \frac{\|\vec w\|^2_2}{2}\)
The regularized cost function makes a trade-off between fit to the data and the norm of the weights

\[\mathcal J_{reg}(\vec w) = \mathcal J(\vec w) + \lambda \mathcal R(\vec w)\]

Hence \(\lambda\) is a hyperparameter that we can tune with a validation set and allows to vary penalty on dimensionality.

When measuring the validation rate, we still measure \(\mathcal J(\vec w)\), but for training we will use \(\mathcal J_{reg}(\vec w)\) for determining \(M\)

Probelms need to make sure \(x_i\)'s have approximately the same unit so that \(\mathcal R(\vec w)\) is not dominated by some feature weights

For LS, regularized cost gives

\[\vec w_\lambda^{Ridge} = arg\min_{\vec w} \mathcal J_{reg}(\vec w)= (X^T X+\lambda I)^{-1}X^T t\]

L1 Regularization

\(\mathcal R_{L^1} = \sum |w_i|\) encourages weights to be exactly zero, we can design regularizers based on whatever property we'd like to encourage.


  • Choose a model and a loss function
  • Formulate an optimization problem
  • Solve the minimization problem using either direct solution (set derivative to zero) or gradient descent (move \(\vec w\), start with a guess, slowly changes to minimize cost, when direct solution is unavailable)
  • vectorize
  • use features to get a more powerful linear model
  • improve the generalization by adding a regularizer