Randomized QuickSort
Given a unsorted array \(A\) quicksort
sort the array by first choose a pivot \(x\) from \(A\), then partition the array into \(A[0:q-1] \leq A[q] = x \leq A[q+1:n]\) and then recursively sort the left partition and right partition.
As a reference, the algorithm is provided below
from random import shuffle, randint
def partition(A, l, r):
global NUM_COMPS # for runtime demo
x = A[r]
i = l - 1
for j in range(l, r):
NUM_COMPS += 1 # for runtime demo
if A[j] <= x:
i += 1
A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
A[i+1], A[r] = A[r], A[i+1]
return i + 1
def quicksort(A, l, r):
if l < r:
q = partition(A, l, r)
quicksort(A, l, q-1)
quicksort(A, q + 1, r)
Runtime Analysis
Assuming that we don't do early returning (otherwise we can check whether \(A[l:r]\) is already sorted). As of a best case, the chosen pivot is always in the middle, then it takes \(O(n\lg n)\) time. Also, in average, quicksort
takes \(\Theta(n\log n)\) time (proof omitted).
However, if the pivot is chosen unwisely, the running time is quite bad. As an example, we choose the rightmost element of \(A[l:r]\) as our pivot, if \(A\) is already sorted (either ascending or descending), then all elements go to either \(A[l:r-1]\) or \(A[l+1:r]\), thus quicksort
takes \(\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\in O(n^2)\) comparisons.
N = 25
A = list(range(N))
quicksort(A, 0, N-1)
print("\nNumber of comparisons: ", NUM_COMPS)
#>> Number of comparisons: 300
ncomps_sum = 0
for _ in range(100):
quicksort(A, 0, N-1)
ncomps_sum += NUM_COMPS
print("Average number of comparisons: ", ncomps_sum / 100)
#>> Average number of comparisons: 97.4
Note that whichever pivot strategy we choose, there is always a way to a construct worst case array.
Randomized Quicksort
Intuitively, to avoid running into the worst case scenario, we can randomly permute \(A\) before entering quicksort
, so that we are expecting an average case running time on the permuted array \(A\).
Alternatively, we know that the fixed choice of pivot causes the problem, so that we randomly pick pivot from \(A[l:r]\).
The two thought led to the two different implementations
# implementation 1: permute A before quick sort
def rand_quicksort_permute(A, l, r):
quicksort(A, l, r)
# implementation 2: randomly pick pivot for each partition
def rand_partition(A, l, r):
global NUM_COMPS # for runtime demo
x = A[randint(l, r)]
i = l - 1
for j in range(l, r):
NUM_COMPS += 1 # for runtime demo
if A[j] <= x:
i += 1
A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
A[i+1], A[r] = A[r], A[i+1]
return i + 1
def rand_quicksort_partition(A, l, r):
if l < r:
q = rand_partition(A, l, r)
quicksort(A, l, q-1)
quicksort(A, q + 1, r)
Worst Case Expected Runtime
Since we introduced randomness into our algorithm, the running time for the same input in different runs will be different. Thus, let \(T_x\) be the running time of the algorithm given a fixed input \(x\). Thus, thee expected running time is very intuitively defined as \(E(T_x)\).
As a refresher, worst case running time for an algorithm is \(T(n):=\max\{T_x: |x| = n\}\), and the average running time for a algorithm with finite input space is \(\bar T(n):=\frac{1}{|\mathcal X(n)|}\sum_{x\in \mathcal X(n)} T_x\) where \(\mathcal X(n)\) is the set of all input of size \(n\). For infinite sied input space, then it is defined as a weighted average \(\bar T(n) = \sum_{x\in\mathcal X(n)}p_xT_{x}\) where \(p_x\) is the probability of input \(x\) be chosen, \(\sum_{x\in\mathcal X(n)} p_x = 1\).
Thus, the worst case expected running time is defined as
For permutation based randomized quicksort, since we randomly permute the input, \(E(T_x) = \bar T(n)\) for any input \(x\) of size \(n\). Thus, \(E(T(n)) = \bar T(n) \in \Theta(n\log n)\).
For pivot based randomized quicksort, the proof is similar to average case proof. The key idea is that after each rand_partition(A, l, r)
, the expected number of elements in \(A[l: q-1], A[q+1:r]\) is the same as the average number of elements after partition(A, l, r)
over all \(A\) of size \(n\).
ncomps_sum = 0
for _ in range(100):
A_fixed = A.copy()
rand_quicksort_permute(A_fixed, 0, N-1)
ncomps_sum += NUM_COMPS
print("Average number of comparisons for partition based: ", ncomps_sum / 100)
#>> Average number of comparisons for partition based: 96.51
ncomps_sum = 0
for _ in range(100):
A_fixed = A.copy()
rand_quicksort_partition(A_fixed, 0, N-1)
ncomps_sum += NUM_COMPS
print("Average number of comparisons for partition based: ", ncomps_sum / 100)
#>> Average number of comparisons for partition based: 96.75