Amortized Analysis
Amortized Complexity
Let \(\sigma = (\sigma_i)_1^m\) be a sequence of operations on data structure \(D\), and \(t_i\) be the time to execute \(\sigma_i\). Let \(S\) be the set of all valid sequence of operations on \(D\) so that \(\sigma\in S\).
Sequence complexity \(C(m) = \max\{\sum_1^m t_i: \sigma \in S\}\).
Amortized complexity \(A(m) = \frac{C(m)}{m}\) time each operation takes in average.
Aggregate Analysis
In aggregate analysis, we show that for all \(n\), a sequence of \(n\) operations takes worst-case time \(T(n)\) in total. In the worst case, the average cost, or amortized cost, per operation is therefore \(T(n)/n\).
Accounting Method
We assign differing charges to different operations, with some operations charged more or less than they actually cost. The amount charged on each operation is called amortized cost. When an operation's amortized cost exceeds its actual cost, the differnt is assigned to specific objects in the data structure as credit.
In the worst case analysis, we have to make such that the the amortized cost provides an upper bound on the actual cost. Which mean that for all sequences of \(n\) operations. \(\sum^n \hat c_i \geq \sum^n c_i\) where \(\hat c_i\) is the amortized cost for ith operation, \(c_i\) is the actual cost. Then, the total credit stored is \(\sum^n \hat c_i - \sum^n c_i \geq 0\) all the time.
[+] Potential Method
As an extension to accounting method, we represents the prepaid work (credit in accounting method) as "potential". We associate the potential with the data structure instead of specific objects within the data structure.
Let the state of an initial data structure as \(D_0\), and \(D_i\) be the state of the data structre after applying the ith operation to \(D_{i-1}\). Define a potential function
to be the potential associated with data structure \(D_i\). Then, the amortized cost \(\hat c_i\) of the ith operation w.r.t. potential function \(\Phi\) is defined by
and the total amortized cost of the n operations is
Example: Binary Counter
Consider a binary counter increment, which keeps a number \(x\mod 2^k\) be increament. The data structure used is a sequence \(A:=(b_0, ..., b_{k-1}), b_i \in \{0, 1\}. x = \sum_{i=0}^{k-1} a_i 2^i\).
increment(A) | |
Aggregate Analysis
Consider the number of bits flipped in each increment be the actual cost, we know that \(A[i]\) flipped every \(2^i\) time. Thus, let \(N_j\) be the number of jth bit flips. we have the total cost
Accounting Method
charge an amortized cost of 2 dollars to set a bit to \(1\). When a bit is set we use 1 dollar, and the other 1 dollar as credit to be used later when we flip the bit back to 0. Therefore, every 1 in the counter has a dollar of credit, so that we charge nothing to reset a bit to \(0\). Since there will always be 1 in \(A\), the amount of credits is always positive. Thus, the total amortized cost is \(C(n)\in O(n)\) and \(A(n)\in O(1)\)
[+] Potential Method
Suppose that ith operation set \(t_i\) bits from 1 to 0. Then \(c_i \leq t_i + 1\).
Define \(\Phi(A_i) := \sum_{j=0}^{k-1}\mathbb I(b_j = 1)\), i.e. the number of 1's in \(A_i\). Then, \(\Phi(A_i) - \Phi(A_{i-1}) \leq -t_i + 1\) since at least \(t_i\) number of 1's in \(A_{i-1}\) so that they can be reset by ith operation, and at most one 0-bit can be flipped to \(1\) in each operation. Therefore
We know that \(\Phi(D_0) = 0, \Phi(D_n) \leq k\) so that
Example: Dynamic Table
Instead of using linked list in chaining implementation, we instead us a dynamic sized table. For each bin, we store a pointer to an array arr
, a number size
to be the number of elements stored, and maxsize
to be the array length. Then, insert is implemented as
insert(T, x) | |
Let \(d(T) := \text{size}/\text{maxsize}\) be the load factor, assuming that we start with \(\text{maxsize} = 1\). After each insert
, we have that \(0.5 < d(T) \leq 1\) since we only double maxsize
when size == maxsize
[+] Potential Method
Define \(\Phi(T_i) = 2 \times\) number of occupied slot in the second half of arr
Then, we have two cases to consider
If \(T_i.\text{size} = T_i.\text{maxsize}\), then we have the cost
Also we know that \(T_{i-1}.\text{size} = T_i.\text{size} - 1, T_{i-1}.\text{maxsize} = T_i.\text{maxsize} / 2\). Thus
From the if
condition, we also have that $ T_i.\text{maxsize}/2 = T_i.\text{size} - 1$
If \(T_i.\text{size} < T_i.\text{maxsize}\), then we have the cost
Accounting Method
For each insert
, we charge \(3\) dollars. 1 dollar for setting \(x\), and 2 dollar as credit. When the if branch runs, for each index \(i\), it pays for the cost of copying itself and the slot \(i - T.\text{maxsize} / 4\). Consider one iteration before the if
branch runs. Known that T.size == T.maxsize
then the second half have 2 credits since they have never been copied. Thus, they have enough credit to pay for the cost of the first half.
Aggregate Analysis
After \(n\) insert, the maxsize
of the table will be \(2^{\lceil \lg n\rceil}\), thus we have doubled the table size \(\lceil \lg n\rceil - 1\) times. Each time copies \(2^0, 2^1, ..., 2^{\lceil \lg n\rceil - 1}\) elements. Thus, the total costs will be