Surface based Volume Rendering
SDF Studio Github Repo is a unified framework for SDF-based volume rendering.
SDF based Volume Rendering
The works are aiming to solve the problem that given a set of images \(\{I_k\}\) of a 3D object, aim to output the surface \(S\) as a level-set of some field \(f: \mathbb R^3\rightarrow \mathbb R\). \(f\) can be SDF field which maps position \(\mathbf x\) to signed distance to the closest surface, or an occupancy field that maps \(\mathbf x\) to a probability \([0,1]\) s.t. \(\mathbf x\) is inside of outside of the volume.
NeuS: Learning Neural Implicit Surfaces by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction [Wang et al. 2021]1
Represents a scene as SDF field \(f_\theta(\mathbf x)\) and radiance field \(c(\mathbf x, \mathbf d)\). Both approximated by separate MLPs.
Note that volume rendering is modelled by
where \(T\) is the accumulated transmittance and \(\sigma: \mathbb R^3 \rightarrow [0,1]\) is the volume density (estimated from MLP in NeRF). Then, the issue is that how do we get \(\sigma\) from SDF. The idea is to uses a logistic density distribution to map the signed distance \(\mathbb R\rightarrow [0, 1]\), i.e.
However, in this case \(T(\mathbf x)\sigma(\mathbf x)\) is biased to positive SDF value instead of the zero-level set, thus we should re-design the density \(\rho(t)\) s.t.
With some derivation (see the paper), we have that
where \(\Phi_s\) is the cdf of logistic distribution.
Volume Rendering of Neural Implicit Surfaces [Yariv et al. 2021]2
In VolSDF, the volume density is represented from SDF as
where \(\Psi_\beta\) is the CDF of Laplace distribution with \(0\) mean and \(\beta\) scale. and \(\alpha > 0, \beta > 0\) are learnable parameters.
VolSDF proposes a novel sampling method based on SDF, that requires significantly smaller sampling points for each ray.
Given \(\beta\) and a wanted error bound \(\epsilon\) (typically \(\epsilon = 0.1\)) on the opacity. The algorithm aims to get a set of sample from \([0, M]\) (near, far) such that the opacity approximation error is bounded by \(\epsilon\). The detailed algorithm and proofs are provided in the paper.
UNISURF: Unifying Neural Implicit Surfaces and Radiance Fields for Multi-View Reconstruction [Oechsle et al. 2021]3
UniSurf uses occupancy field \(o\) s.t. \(o(\mathbf x)=0\) when outside of the volume and \(o(\mathbf x)=1\) when inside of the volume. Note that the surface normal \(\mathbf n(\mathbf x) = \nabla_{\mathbf x} o / \|\nabla_{\mathbf x} o\|\). Then, we replace volume density \(\sigma\) with occupancy and estimate color \(\mathbf c\) from \(\mathbf x, \mathbf d, \mathbf n(\mathbf x)\) and an additional feature vector \(\mathbf h(\mathbf x)\).
UniSurf also gives a surface consistency regularization
Additional Supervisions
With SDF, the level set is more concentrated onto a surface, which is beneficial for estimating normal and depth. Therefore, many methods have looked at additional supervision terms designated for various purposes.
The most commonly used losses for SDF based NeRF are
The L1 RGB reconstruction loss, directly supervised by the actual pixel color in the image
The Eikonal Loss for SDF values of near-surface sampled points
MonoSDF: Exploring Monocular Geometric Cues for Neural Implicit Surface Reconstruction [Yu et al. 2022]4
MonoSDF incorporates deep learning based 2D depth and normal estimation. 2D monocular depth/normal estimation provides dense depth map and is continuous within the image. However, any photometric approach suffers from inconsistency across images. In other words, multiple images of the same scene from different angles cannot be well aligned by projecting the depth.
MonoSDF proposes two losses to solve this problem.
The depth consistency loss
where \(\hat D(\mathbf r) = \sum_{i} T_ia_i t_i\) (similar to \(\hat C\), replace sampled point radiance directly with ray depth). \(\bar D\) is the 2D depth. and \(w, q\) are scale and translation term for alignment. \(w,q\) is estimated per image (ray batch) using least-squares.
The normal consistency loss
where \(\hat N(\mathbf r) = \sum_{i} T_ia_i \mathbf n_i\) (\(\mathbf n_i\) is given by the gradient of SDF at \(t_i\)), \(\bar N\) is the 2D normal. The later term is used to transform the 2D normal to the same coordinate system of the 3D construction.
Manhattan SDF
Neural 3D Scene Reconstruction with the Manhattan-world Assumption [Guo et al. 2022]5
Instead of using normal consistency loss, ManhattanSDF specifically targets at indoor scenes with the Manhattan world assumption. i.e. the floor will always have \(\mathbf n_f = (0,0,1)\) and the room will always rectangular so that the walls are perpendicular to the floor, and parallel or perpendicular to other walls.
Therefore, the loss can be written as
However, not pixel in the scene is wall or floor, and we only want to apply the geometric loss to certain pixels. The first idea is to use a 2D segmentation network to segment out walls and floors, and use it as a mask for the loss. Then, the problem is that 2D segmentation can have errors. Therefore, ManhattanSDF uses another MLP to predict the semantic logits, similar to the radiance MLP, and the pixel logits is \(\hat S(\mathbf r) = \sum_i T_ia_i s_i\) and softmax the logits to probabilities \((\hat p_{\text{floor}}, \hat p_{\text{wall}}, \hat p_{\text{other}})\). Then the joint geometric loss is defined as
To make sure the probabilities not vanish, adding a cross entropy loss to supervise the semantic MLP
where \(\bar p_k\) is the 2D segmentation logits.
Wang, P., Liu, L., Liu, Y., Theobalt, C., Komura, T., and Wang, W. 2021. Neus: Learning neural implicit surfaces by volume rendering for multi-view reconstruction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.10689. ↩
Yariv, L., Gu, J., Kasten, Y., and Lipman, Y. 2021. Volume rendering of neural implicit surfaces. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 4805–4815. ↩
Oechsle, M., Peng, S., and Geiger, A. 2021. Unisurf: Unifying neural implicit surfaces and radiance fields for multi-view reconstruction. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision, 5589–5599. ↩
Yu, Z., Peng, S., Niemeyer, M., Sattler, T., and Geiger, A. 2022. Monosdf: Exploring monocular geometric cues for neural implicit surface reconstruction. Advances in neural information processing systems 35, 25018–25032. ↩
Guo, H., Peng, S., Lin, H., et al. 2022. Neural 3d scene reconstruction with the manhattan-world assumption. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 5511–5520. ↩