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k-Means and EM Algorithm

Clustering Problem

Grouping data points into clusters, without observed labels.

Samples within a cluster are similar to each other, and samples in different clusters are dissimilar. Such data forms a multimodal distribution, as having multiple modes.


Given data points \(x^{(1)},...,x^{(N)}\in \mathbb R^D\), want to find cluster centers \(\{m_k\}^K\in\mathbb R^D\) and assignments \(\{r^{(n)}\}^N\in \mathbb R^K\) being 1-K encoding.

The objective is to minimize the cost as the squared sum distance of data points to their assigned centers, i.e.

\[\min_{\{m_k\},\{r^{(n)}\}}J(\{m_k\},\{r^{(n)}\}) = \min \sum^N\sum^K r^{(n)}\|m_k - x^{(n)}\|^2\]

Because \(r\) works as an encoding, i.e. integer optimization problem, optimize both \(r,m\) will be NP-hard.

However, if we fix \(m\), finding optimal assignments \(r\) is easy, i.e.

\[\min_{\{r^{(n)}\}}\sum^K r_k^{(n)}\|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2\Rightarrow r_k = \mathbb I(k=\arg\min_k\|x^{(n)}-m_j\|^2)\]

If we fix \(r\), then we can minimize by taking gradient and set to 0

\[\begin{align*} \partial_{m_l}\sum^N\sum^K r_k^{(n)}\|m_k - x^{(n)}\|^2 &= 0\\ 2\sum^Nr_l^{(n)}(m_l - x^{(n)}) &= 0\\ m_l &= \frac{\sum^N r_l^{(n)}x^{(n)}}{\sum^Nr_l^{(n)}} \end{align*}\]

Therefore, it is possible to do alternating minimization, i.e. minimize \(J\) w.r.t. \(m, k\) individually .

Alternating Minimization Algorithm

  • Initialize with random cluster centers
  • For each iterative step
    • Assignment step: assign data point to closest cluster by nearest neighbor
    • Refitting step: move each cluster center to the mean of the data assigned to it.



Note that \(J\) is lower bounded by 0 as a squared distance.
Also, consider each assignment step, as \(m\) fixed, for each \(x^{(n)}\), \(r_k^{(n)}\) guarantees \(x^{(n)}-m_k\) is minimum.
Consider each minimization step, as \(r\) fixed, for each \(\sum r_k( x^{(n)} - E(x^{(n)}))^2\) is minimized.

Therefore, by monotone convergence theorem, this will converge.

However, this will not guarantee the global minimum.


Soft k-Means

Instead of making 0-1, we can make soft assignment, which we assign the clusters by responsibility (probability).


  • Initialize \(m\) random
  • Iterative step

    • Assignment
    \[r_k^{(n)} = \frac{\exp(-\beta\|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2)}{\sum_j\exp (-\beta \|m_j-x^{(n)}\|^2)} = softmax(-\beta\{\|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2\}^K)\]
    • Refitting
    \[m_k = \frac{\sum_n r_k^{(n)}x^{(n)}}{\sum_n r_k^{(n)}}\]

Note that

\[\begin{align*} \lim_{\beta\rightarrow \infty}r_k^{(n)}&= \lim_{\beta\rightarrow\infty}\frac{\exp(-\beta\|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2)}{\sum_j\exp (-\beta \|m_j-x^{(n)}\|^2)}\\ &= \lim_{\beta\rightarrow\infty}\frac{\exp(-\beta\|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2)}{\exp(-\beta\|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2) + \sum_{j\neq k}\exp (-\beta \|m_j-x^{(n)}\|^2)}\\ &= \lim_{\beta \rightarrow \infty}\frac{1}{1+\sum_{j\neq k}\exp \bigg(-\beta (\|m_j-x^{(n)}\|^2 - \|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2)\bigg)}&(*)\\ &= \mathbb I(k=\arg\min_k\|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2) \end{align*}\]

\((*)\) when \(k\) is the argmin, then \(d:=\|m_j-x^{(n)}\|^2 - \|m_k-x^{(n)}\|^2 > 0, -\beta d\rightarrow -\infty, \exp(-\beta d)\rightarrow 0\).
Otherwise, exists some \(d<0, \exp(-\beta d) \rightarrow \infty, \lim r^{(n)}_k = 0\)

However, this raises questions about how to set \(\beta\), and how to cluster unequal weight and width.

Termination condition

We can test whether we can terminate the k-Mean's iterative steps by checking whether the assignment change.

Generative Model

Consider the generative model for \(\mathcal D\):
Assume data point \(x\) is generated as - choose a cluster \(z\) from \(\pi = [\pi_1,...,\pi_K]^T, p(z=k)=\pi_k\) - Given \(z\), sample \(x\) from \(N(x|\mu_z, I)\)

\[p(z=k)=\pi_k, p(x|z=k)=N(x|\mu_k, I)\]

Then the joint distribution \(p(z,x) = p(z)p(x|z)\) with parameters \(\{\pi_k, \mu_k\}^K\), marginal probability of \(x, p(x)=\sum_zp(z,x)\)
the probability \(x\) came from kth cluster is \(p(z=k|x) = \frac{p(x|z=k)p(z=l)}{p(x)}\)

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)

Using MLE approach, since we can't see the cluster assignments \(z\), we only see \(x\), i.e. the pbjective is

\[\begin{align*} p(\mathcal D) \Rightarrow \log(p(\mathcal D)) &= \sum^N \log(p(x^{(n)})) \\ &= \sum^N\sum^K p (z=k)p(x^{(n)}|z=k)\\ &= \sum^N\sum^K \pi_k N(x|\mu_k, I) \end{align*}\]

Such distribution is an example of Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and \(\pi_k\) are the mixing coefficients.

In general, each Gaussian will have different covariance, i.e. \(N(x|\mu_k, \sigma_k)\).

Note that \(\log(p(\mathcal D)) = \sum^N\log \bigg(\sum^K \pi_k N(x^{(n)}| \mu_k, I)\bigg)\)

Similar to k-Means, if we knew \(z^{(n)}\), i.e. assignment, then the log likelihood is similar to a classification question, i.e.

\[\log p(\mathcal D_{complete}) = \sum^N \log p(z^{(n)}, x^{(n)}) = \sum^N\sum^K \mathbb I(z^{(n)} = k)\bigg[\log(N(x^{(n)}|\mu_k, I) + \log\pi_k)\bigg]\]

The maximization results in

\[\hat\mu_k = \frac{\sum^N \mathbb I(z^{(n)}=k)x^{(n)}}{\sum^N \mathbb I(z^{(n)}=k)} = \text{class mean}\]
\[\hat\pi_k = N^{-1}\sum^N \mathbb I(z^{(n)}=k) = \text{class proportions}\]

Then, we replace assignment since \(E(z^{(n)}) = p(z=k|x)\) where \(p(z=k|x)\) is computed from Bayes rule

\[\begin{align*} p(z=k|x) &= \frac{p(z=k)p(x|z=k)}{p(x)}\\ &= \frac{p(z=k)p(x|z=k)}{\sum^K p(z=j)p(x|z=j)}\\ &= \frac{\pi_k N(x|\mu_k, I)}{\sum^K_j \pi_jN(x|\mu_k, I)} \end{align*}\]

Therefore, let \(r_k^{(n)} := p(z^{(n)}=k|x^{(n)})\) replace \(\mathbb I(z^{(n)}=k)\), and

\[\log p(\mathcal D_{complete}) = \sum^N \log p(z^{(n)}, x^{(n)}) = \sum^N\sum^K r_k^{(n)}\bigg[\log(N(x^{(n)}|\mu_k, I) + \log\pi_k)\bigg]\]

The maximization results in

\[\hat\mu_k = \frac{\sum^N r_k^{(n)} x^{(n)}}{\sum^N r_k^{(n)}} = \text{class mean}\]
\[\hat\pi_k = N^{-1}\sum^N r_k^{(n)} = \text{class proportions}\]

Expectation Maximization Algorithm

  • E-step compute the posterior probabilities \(r_k^{(n)} = p(z^{(n)}=k|x^{(n)})\) given our current model
  • M-step update \(\mu, \pi\)

Possible Problems

  • Singularities: arbitrarily large likelihood when a Gaussian explains a single point with variance shrinking to zero
  • Non-convex
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